IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education) 2024-09-02T09:01:52+00:00 Purniadi Putra [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><a href=""><img src="" alt="" width="100" height="31"></a></p> <p>IJGIE: International Journal of Postgraduate Education in Islam is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal on Islamic Education. All articles will be reviewed by experts before being accepted for publication. The IJGIE journal is published twice a year in <strong>March</strong> and <strong>September</strong>. This journal is open to authors worldwide regardless of nationality. IJGIE will publish manuscripts that have never been published in any publication or where no publication has been requested or considered by other media, in accordance with IJGIE's ethical statement. IJGIE is an Open Access journal in print and online media. The IJGIE journal is published by the Department of Islamic Education Masters, Postgraduate Program, Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, Indonesia. The IJGIE journal is published with SK <strong>No. 0005.27218805 / JI.3.1 / SK.ISSN / 2020.04</strong> , by the Center for Data and Scientific Documentation of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences without printing ISSN; <strong>2721-8805</strong> and No ISSN Online; <strong>2721-8791</strong>. This journal covers a very broad field and we welcome submissions from practitioners at all levels and from around the world. IJGIE publishes high-quality, innovative research at the forefront of all science with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research. We particularly encourage texts that lie at the interface of life sciences and more quantitative science or Islamic religious education. We believe that these various disciplines can all contribute to IJGIE and provide original insights to the most recurring questions. Original research articles and review papers are both welcome. IJGIE will publish manuscripts that have never been published in any publication or where no publication has been requested or considered by other media, in accordance with IJGIE's ethical statement.</p> The Role Of Character Education In Forming Ethical And Responsible Students 2024-09-02T09:01:52+00:00 Tiara Ramadhani [email protected] Danar Widiyanta [email protected] Yena Sumayana [email protected] Rengga Yudha Santoso [email protected] Puspita Dian Agustin [email protected] Al-Amin [email protected] <p>Character education refers to an approach to learning that aims to help students develop moral and ethical values, such as honesty, responsibility and empathy. The integration of these values in the curriculum and school activities along with the active support of teachers, families and communities are the main efforts for character education to build individuals who are highly ethical and responsible in every aspect of their lives. In this study, the literature research method was used. From the results, it is evident that teachers who have undergone specialised training in character education play an important role as living examples of these values. In addition, a safe and supportive school environment greatly contributes to the ethical formation of students. Another opinion states that the active participation of parents and the community also strengthens the implementation of moral values in schools through their daily behaviour. This finding proves the synergy relationship between the collaborative participation of the main institutions, namely school, family and the wider community, can empower students with strong character, have good morals and be perfectly responsible.</p> 2024-09-02T09:01:51+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 IJGIE (International Journal of Graduate of Islamic Education)