About Proceeding Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education

The primary goal of the Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education is a to discuss and analyze the concept of making policy that must be done by the central and local governments to make a shift of the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia from Jakarta to East Kalimantan properly and to make the city with international standard trough technology integration.

Grand Themes :
"Toward Kalimantan as the New Capital City of the Republic of Indonesia: Opportunities and Challenges."


Keynote Speakers :

H. Sutarmidji, SH, M.Hum.
Governor of Kalimantan Barat


Dr. Amrullah Maraining
Universiti Sabah Malaysia
Prof. Dr. Hj. Rozan Yunos
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Prof. Madya. Dr. Mokmin Basri
Universiti Islam Selangor
Dr. Issraq Bin Ramli
Universiti Sabah Malaysia
Topic of Interest :
  1. Politics, Law, Defenses, and Security Studies
  2. Education, Socio-Cultural,  and Humanities Studies
  3. Economics, Business, and Finance

The Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education is an annual event organized by Forum Perguruan Tinggi Keagamaan Islam Swasta Se-Kalimantan (FOPERTAIS). This conference has been held three times, and for the 2023 meeting, it is entrusted to the Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas as the host.

To ensure the smooth running of this year's conference, the Rector of the Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas has issued Decree Number 004 of 2023, appointing the steering committee and event committee for this conference. Here is the composition of the steering committee for this year's conference:

Responsible Person
: Dr. H. Arnadi, M.Pd.
Supervisor : Dr. Hifza, MSI
: Oskar Hutagaluh, S.Pd., MM, M.Si.
: Dr. H. Sumar'in, SEI, MSI
Vice Chief
: Dr. H. Tamrin, S.IP, MH
Secretary : Iwan Kusnadi, SE, ME
Trasurer : Maskupah, M.Ak.

In addition, an event committee has also been formed for the conference, namely :

: Dr. Purniadi Putra, M.Pd.I
Member : Dr. Aslan, M.Pd.I
: Dr. Zarul Arifin, MSI
: Dr. Risa, M.Hum.
: Dr. Hamnah, M.Th.I
: Dr. Suhari, MSI
: Dr. Ahmad Zabidi, M.Ag.

The conference can be held in collaboration by :


We invite students, researchers, lecturers, and professors to submit their papers/research. The papers will be published in this proceeding and indexed by Google Scholar. The manuscript can be written in Indonesian, English, or Malay language. The submission deadlines can be found in the table below:

Registration : 28th Feb - 31st May 2023
Abstract Submission Deadline : 28th Feb - 30th May 2023
Full Paper Submission : May 31, 2023
Conference : June 14, 2023
Presenter Fee Registration : IDR 500.000
Participant Fee Registration : IDR 200.000

To register, visit the website bicihe.iaisambas.ac.id or the registration form at bit.ly/fopertais.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education
Published: 2023-05-04


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