Management of Facilities and Infrastructure on Optimalization of Talent Development for Deaf Students

  • Siti Nur Khasanah IAINU Kebumen
  • Sarwiati IAINU Kebumen
  • Fatatun Afifah IAINU Kebumen
  • Fina Fikrotul Izzah IAINU Kebumen
  • Siti Fatimah IAINU Kebumen
  • Agus Salim Chamidi IAINU Kebumen
Keywords: Infrastructure Management, Talent Development, Deaf Student



This research article aims to discuss the importance of management of educational facilities and infrastructure in an effort to optimize talent development for deaf students. The management of facilities and infrastructure in education is a supporting point in the process of developing talents in children with deaf disabilities. This research was conducted at SMP LB Negeri Tamanwinangun Kebumen on deaf students at the SMP-LB level. This research is qualitative in nature using a theoretical study of POAC (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling) with informants from the head of SMP LB Negeri Tamanwinangun Kebumen, the deputy head of facilities and infrastructure, a supporting teacher in the field of Makeup skills, and a number of deaf students majoring in Makeup skills. . This research was conducted in March-May 2023. The results of this research show that (1) the management of educational facilities and infrastructure for deaf students influences efforts to optimize the talent development of deaf students at SMP-LB Tamanwinangun Kebumen, (2) talent development is focused on cosmetology skills, (3) management of facilities and infrastructure includes management functions, namely the process of planning facilities and infrastructure used, organizing, implementing, and supervising, (4) optimizing talent development as evidenced by the results of cosmetology work in accordance with the plan.

Keyword: Infrastructure Management, Talent Development, Deaf Student


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