Ethnosains-Based Learning Media in Implementing the Betangas Tradition as a form of Student Organizational Service in the Educational World
Indonesia is a country rich in culture and local wisdom that is beautiful and interesting to study and preserve. One of the cultures that must be studied and preserved is the Betangas Malay custom in Muratara Regency, Palembang, South Sumatra Province. Betangas is a custom that is carried out by the bride and groom (bride and groom) before getting married. Betangas or what is known as a steam bath is usually done traditionally using local spices such as kaffir lime leaves, reed roots, fragrant pandan leaves, and fragrant lemon grass and covered in the form of pandan mats. However, these days the tradition is not being carried out because the local culture is starting to fade in the younger generation. This is because the younger generation does not know about the local wisdom they have because there is no science learning in schools that are related to local wisdom. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of knowing the philosophy and science concepts in the implementation of Betangas. This study uses a type of qualitative research. While the research method used is the ethnographic method. The results of the study found the concept of temperature, namely heat transfer in the Betangas implementation process. In addition to adding learning media in schools, Betangas local wisdom can also be applied through the dedication of student organizations. The resulting learning media is in the form of visual media, namely posters. Thus the younger generation can find out the local wisdom they have and more easily understand the concept of science.
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