Analysis Management Strategy With The Blue Ocean Strategy Approach To Improve Competitive Advantage In Pt. Gojek Indonesia

  • Muhammad Nur Universitas Islam Indonesia
Keywords: Blue Ocean Strategy, Going Concern, Competitive Advantage, PT. Gojek Indonesia.


The research aims to find out how companies are creating sustainability with the blue ocean strategy approach to increase competitive advantage at PT. Gojek Indonesia. The study employs a qualitative approach because it explains phenomena in depth through data collection. By a qualitative method of study as a study procedure that results in a descriptive data of written and spoken facts of people and observable behavior. Studies have shown that the factors that constituted the competition in PT. Gojek Indonesia among other things PT. Gojek Indonesia breaking the exchange between fast driver service and a minimal wait time. Then PT. Gojek Indonesia Providing an alternative factor with a bonus easier on the driver. It increases the value curve PT. Gojek Indonesia on the strategy canvas. A value curve PT. Gojek Indonesia Trying to get out of the red ocean by creating additional alternative factors Such as offering attractive promotions to attract customers or cashless systems to make it easier for customers to make transactions.


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