Trends in Student Cultural Intelligence: A Survey at West Java Province Vocational Middle School
Introduction: Cultural intelligence is essential for students to interact with their environment. Students of SMKN 1 Leuwimunding have diverse sociocultural backgrounds, Javanese and Sundanese. Teaching and learning activities are effective, despite cultural differences. The purpose of this study was to find out the trends in student cultural intelligence: a survey at a vocational high school in West Java Province. Methodology: This type of research is a quantitative survey technique with a cross-sectional design. Participants were 130 students at SMKN 1 Leuwimunding. The data collection technique was a questionnaire in March-April 2023. Results showed that the average value of the strategy subvariable was 7.32, the median was 8, the standard deviation was 2.60, the lowest value was 1, and the highest was 12. The cognitive subvariable was 8.98, the median was 9, the standard deviation was 3.20, the lowest value was 2, and the highest was 17. The motivational subvariable was 9.19, the median was 9, the standard deviation was 2.83, the lowest value was 3, and the highest was 15. The behavioral subvariable was 8.17, the median was 8, the standard deviation was 2.74, the lowest value was 4, and the highest was 14. The total score of the cultural intelligence variable was 33.66, the median was 33, the standard deviation was 8.94, the lowest value was 4, and the highest was 51. Suggestion: increase students' cultural intelligence through the teacher's approach, group discussions, school activities, students respecting each other, and so on.
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