Increasing Student Engagement In Post Covid-19 Learning: A Literature Review
After approximately two years of students and teachers carrying out online learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students returned to school. The return of students to school after one year of learning at home causes various consequences, including the psychosocial condition of students, especially in interacting with teachers and peers. Student Engagement is defined as the involvement or active participation of a student in academic and non-academic or school-related activities and having a commitment to educational and learning goals. Student engagement behavior at school can be seen in academic achievement, involvement in the learning process, involvement in extracurriculars, interaction with teachers and friends and student perceptions of the school environment. This article aims to find out how to increase student engagement in post-COVID-19 learning. The research method used is a literature review on increasing student engagement from relevant sources. Data collection techniques by collecting some previous research are then analyzed and concluded so as to get conclusions about solutions to increase student engagement. The results showed that student engagement can be improved by increasing self-efficacy, teacher support, giving praise, friend relationships, family support and motivation from the environment and oneself.
Kata kunci: Student Engagement, Increasing, Post Covid-19.
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