Leadership Integrity in the Qur'an Towards the National Capital (IKN) in the Borneo Region

  • Ahmad Zabidi Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas
  • alkadri
  • hamnah
  • sri sunantri
  • hadari
Keywords: Integrity; Leadership; Al-Qur'an;


The integrity of leadership is something that is urgent in the order of people's lives, especially in terms of addressing issues and dynamics of government that are better, transparent, accountable and with integrity. Because it will determine the policy direction for better future governance. Therefore, the Qur'an talks about leadership, including referring to the word caliph. The word caliph is found in QS al-Baqarah/2: 30 and QS Sad/38: 26, these two verses show the purpose of creating humans on earth as caliphs (leaders). In this context it shows the existence of humans as God's representatives on earth as caliphs or leaders. The word leader in the Qur'an uses the term caliph, meaning to replace, leave, replace, or inheritor. In terminology, this word contains at least two double meanings. On the one hand, the caliph is defined as the head of state in the past Islamic government and empire, which in the context of the kingdom has the same meaning as the sultan. This research method uses qualitative research with the type of literature study research, while in data collection using books, or journal articles that are relevant to the research title. As for the results of the research, leadership integrity is important to understand and actualize in people's lives, this is due to seeing various phenomena that occur in society in everyday life which always collide with the rules or norms and applicable laws. So that an attitude of firmness, integrity and loyalty of a leader is needed in dealing with problems that occur in society, nation and state in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.



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