Education, Social, Humanities, and Islamic Studies

  • Sobirin STAI Ma’arif Sintang
Keywords: Education, Social, Humanities and Islamic Studies


The study of Islamic sciences has been growing rapidly in recent years. One of the main driving forces is the movement towards integrating knowledge, formalized within Islamic educational institutions. Efforts to integrate general sciences (natural, humanities, and social sciences) with disciplines based on Islamic traditions continue to be encouraged. Both academic and non-academic research touch upon various aspects of social and religious life, particularly those relevant to modern society. These studies are expected to address the challenges, needs, and changes of the time to promote the glory of Islam, both intellectually and in practical life. History offers key aspects of human life and is represented through symbols of communication. Through these symbols, humans can recognize and understand the past, detect the present, and anticipate the future. These symbols are constructed conventionally by historical actors as identities that signify many things. Social-humanities disciplines, such as communication and historical studies, can be developed together through more open methodological adaptations to strengthen each other, both scientifically and for practical purposes. To become more comprehensive and integrative, social-humanities sciences are also encouraged to incorporate perspectives from Islamic disciplinary traditions


Arif B. Iskandar, Materi Dasar Islam, Cet. Ke-4, Al Azhar Press, Bogor, 2010.
Departemen Agama RI, Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya, PT. Sygma Examedia Arkanleema, Bandung
Qayim.I , Mutiara di Samudra Al-Fatihah,Pustaka Media, 2017