The Role of Higher Education Existence in Sebayan Education Zone Toward Socio-Economic of Sebayan Rural Community

  • Oskar Hutagaluh Student Doctoral Progamme Ilmu Manajemen, Universitas Tanjungpura
Keywords: Higher Education Existence, Sebayan Education Zone, Socio-Economic


Higher education is one of the most important institutions in the development of education in Indonesia. Its birth and development are inseparable from the demands and aspirations of national development. Higher education is organized as a systemic unit with an open and multi-meaning system, which builds a process of acculturation and empowerment of higher education components creatively and effectively and respects pluralism in society. The existence of tertiary institutions also influences the surrounding area, especially the area directly adjacent to the college campus. This will have an impact on increasing building density and population. This change will affect the pattern of land use and the function of the house as a social activity. Among other things, there has been a conversion of the function of a residential house into a house with economic activities (room rent/contract) as well as changes/addition of space and buildings to increase capacity.


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