The Urgency of Teaching the Qur'an in Religious Development for Converts in the Border Region of Indonesia
The Qur'an as the word of Allah should be used as a guide for the life of Muslims, including by learning and practicing the instructions contained in the contents of the holy book. Learning the Qur'an is an obligation for every Muslim, because the Qur'an is an intercessor for its readers. This research method uses qualitative research with the type of literature study research, while in data collection using books, or journal articles that are relevant to the research title. As for the research results, the urgency of teaching the Qur'an, First; Peace of mind and soul. This is because Allah has made the Qur'an a Syifaan (medicine) for all kinds of heart ailments, Second, gaining stability, Third, awareness of one's own weaknesses and limitations, Fourth, a soft and spacious heart in accepting the truth, Fifth, getting various kinds of goodness and virtue in the hereafter. This kindness and virtue can be in the form of a high degree in the sight of Allah, as a lamp and light in the grave, getting his intercession (help). The urgency of teaching the Koran in religious development for converts to converts in Indonesia's border areas is important to make it easier for converts to learn Islam, especially in terms of reading the Koran and the methods used in teaching the Koran in religious development for converts in border areas using the iqro' method.
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