The Potential of Sambas Regency in Welcoming Migration Capital of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (A Location Qoutient Approach )
Efforts to achieve the goals of the state as set forth in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution, one of which was made by the government by building a National Public Administration. In supporting the IKN, each region must strive to increase economic growth, including in Sambas Regency. Economic growth is one of the macro indicators to see real economic performance in a region. The magnitude of the role of various economic business fields in producing goods and services greatly determines the economic structure of a region. This paper includes quantitative research, with sample data on the GRDP of West Kalimantan and Sambas Regency from 2017-2022. The approach used in the analysis is Location Qoutient (LQ) with the help of Microsoft Excel software to process data. The results of this study indicate that based on LQ calculations it indicates that 5 sectors in Sambas Regency are classified as base sectors and 12 sectors are classified as non-base sectors. 5 sectors with LQ values > 1 are sectors that have the potential to be developed and contribute greatly to increasing regional economic growth, namely the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Wholesale and Retail Trade sectors; Car and Motorcycle Repair, Information and Communication, Real Estate and Educational Services . For this reason, all elements must cooperate with each other in optimizing the potential that exists in Sambas Regency so that when the transfer of IKN occurs, Sambas Regency is ready to face the transfer
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