3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe <p>The primary goal of the 3th International Conference on Toward Kalimantan as the New Capital of the Republic of Indonesia – 2023, is a to discuss and analyze the concept in making policy that must be done by the central and local Goverment to make shift of the capital city of the Republic of Indonesia from Jakarta to East Kalimantan properly and to make the city with international standard trough technology integration.</p> en-US [email protected] (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Purniadi Putra, M.Pd.) [email protected] (Humas IAIS Sambas) Thu, 04 May 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Mismatched Teachers and the Dynamics of Their Self-Efficacy: An Exploratory Study http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1877 <p><em>Social cognition theory of Bandura states that human actions are the result of interactions among personal, behavior, and environment that influence each other. Meanwhile, the regulation that requires the teachers in Indonesia to fulfill their teaching obligation for at least twenty four hours face-to-face per week, has resulted in an increase in the number of mismatched teachers whose the educational qualifications and competencies are not matched with the subject they teach. By using a qualitative approach through an exploratory design, this study aims to explore the dynamics of self-efficacy that experienced by mismatched teachers. The participants in this research were five mismatched teachers at a vocational school in Bandung Barat Regency, West Java-Indonesia, with various in gender, age, years of service, and certification status. This exploratory study tried to expose through the results of preliminary research that the researchers discovered the different phenomenon of psychological dynamics, especially the various responses of self-efficacy of the five teachers. The researchers hope that this research will become a starting point for conducting more in-depth studies of the dynamics of teacher self-efficacy (especially mismatched teachers) and the factors that influence it, in the future, so that besides being able to survive well in their profession, the mismatched teachers can still give their best performance for their students.</em></p> Erna Mutajanidah, Juntika Nurihsan, Ilfiandra Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1877 Thu, 04 May 2023 02:52:26 +0000 Islamic Financial Inclusion a Bibliometric Analysis http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1860 <p>Islamic finance is one of the supporting pillars towards the development of financial inclusion. The rapid development of the Islamic finance industry has attracted many researchers to conduct studies on this topic. This research attempts to synthesize the published literature and map the intellectual structure that has been formed and developed around the topic by focusing on publication trends, main areas of research, most contributing journals, most influential authors, and collaboration between countries. A bibliometric approach was taken to achieve the desired results using the Scopus database from which 186 documents were retrieved. The study found that there was a surge in publications since 2015. In addition, one major publisher was found to have the most contributing journals on the topic. We also found the three most influential authors on this topic. Lastly, Malaysia was found to be putting a lot of effort into contributing to the topic. This research provides a significant foundation for future researchers in conducting their studies based on these five results.</p> Fauzul Hanief, Malia Widya Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1860 Thu, 04 May 2023 03:48:58 +0000 Basic Ideas and Thoughts of Multiculturalism Education in Indonesia http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1879 <p>The diversity of cultures, customs, languages and many others from both Indonesia and countries in the world has a lot of diversity in everyday life, because there is a lot of diversity in life it would be better to lead to peace where we must tolerate each other in diversity, namely multiculturalism, because That's the importance of multicultural understanding in everyday life. This research method uses qualitative research with the type of liberal research, while in data collection using books, journal articles and websites that are relevant to the research title. As for the research results, Multiculturalism is a concept that can be a medium or a tool to elevate the level of humanity and humanity in the context of this cultural worldview. The idea of multiculturalism, especially world view, can eventually be put into practice in law. Policies on readiness to accept other groups on the basis of overall equality, regardless of differences in culture, ethnicity, language, or religion. Multiculturalism is basically a view that calls for tolerance towards various aspects of existence, be it ethnicity, religion, race, or socio-culture. Giving all cultural groups equal rights, whether in public or private is the basic definition of multiculturalism, but this is still being debated. This equality involves equal opportunities in developing culture for all cultural groups and of course the development process is carried out fairly in the social, economic and political fields.</p> Purniadi Putra, Hesti Purwanti, Hendra Gusri Alvando, Ikhlas, Azhar Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1879 Thu, 04 May 2023 03:58:25 +0000 Challenges and Educational Efforts In Reaching Kalimantan Become The Capital City Of The Country Of Indonesia http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1878 <p>The challenges and educational efforts in the development of Kalimantan as the capital city of Indonesia are crucial. The research method used in this research is qualitative with the method of literature review. The research results show that; The educational challenges faced include limited educational infrastructure, a shortage of qualified teaching staff, problems of access and disparities in education between regions, and underdevelopment of educational curricula and technology. Therefore, to face these challenges, in which Kalimantan will become the capital city of the State, the government and society need to work together to overcome these challenges, such as increasing the education budget, training and developing teaching staff, programs to increase access to education, and developing curriculum and relevant educational technology. with the digital age.</p> Arnadi Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1878 Thu, 04 May 2023 04:32:15 +0000 Using Principal Component Analysis To Measure The Readiness of Sorghum Entrepreneurs To The Marketplace http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1810 <p>People should be competitive in order to foster an entrepreneurial mindset and produce effective entrepreneurs. The factors that determine sellers in choosing a market place are the higher organizational readiness, external environment encouragement and perceived benefits. faith, Quality of e-marketplace site, Cost and Product Reputation.</p> <p>This research uses the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) methodology, to made the structure of the analyzed dataset to the measurement of readiness entrepreneur sorghum to the marketplace. In the early stages of this research, a questionnaire-based poll was conducted, and was designed based on a literature study from seven studies that have been reviewed. The seven studies on marketplace readiness factors were then integrated and mapped to produce seven marketplace readiness factors as the basis for assessing marketplace readiness at UES. Number of respondents are 127 consisting of entrepreneurs, employees and buyers.</p> <p>The conclusions that can be drawn from this research are from the initial seven variables in the dataset (Organizational Readiness, External Environment Encouragement, Payment, Delivery, Site Quality, Price, Product reputation), after data reduction using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method two new variables (factors) were obtained which were able to explain the total variance (cumulative percent of variance) of 83.81%. The two factors formed are named Organization and Technology. From the two factors obtained, a measurement of the readiness level of marketplace implementation is then carried out. The results obtained are Organizational factors in the category "Ready with the need for a little improvement", Technology factors are in the category "Ready to proceed".</p> Endang Noerhartati, Nia Saurina, Marina Revitriani Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1810 Fri, 05 May 2023 03:47:40 +0000 Moving the Capital of Indonesia to Kalimantan: Historical Views and Implications for Social and Culture in the Borneo Region http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1942 <p><em>Capital Relocation or Moving Capitals is not a new phenomenon. Capitals have moved throughout history, both pre-modern and contemporary. Nigeria relocated its capital from Lagos to Abuja in 1991, Myanmar relocated its capital from Yangon to Nyapidaw in 2005, and Brazil relocated its capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia in 1960, all for various reasons. A capital in current times reflects how a country will progress in the future. As the future can be foreseen, none of it is certain until it occurs. As a result, Indonesia's ambition to relocate the historical capital of Jakarta to the evergreen region of Kalimantan is regarded as both audacious and profitable for the country's future. With its declaration in 2019 confirming the proposed relocation, local and western experts, the Javanese, and the Kalimantans people had diverse reactions. This study uses qualitative research to collect and analyze information about Kalimantan as the new capital of the Republic of Indonesia found in chapters of books, assignments, news websites, and journals. Because the study of Indonesia's migration is new, the research employs the comparison method of written research. </em><em>This study will compare written studies from the last five (5) years to determine Kalimantan's suitability as Indonesia's next capital. The findings of the investigations will then be compared to local news outlets and newspapers to determine whether the statements made are justified, the outcomes were mixed.</em></p> Rozan Yunos, Farah Fatinah Haji Ya’akob Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1942 Wed, 24 May 2023 03:35:31 +0000 Management of Facilities and Infrastructure on Optimalization of Talent Development for Deaf Students http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1938 <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>This research article aims to discuss the importance of management of educational facilities and infrastructure in an effort to optimize talent development for deaf students. The management of facilities and infrastructure in education is a supporting point in the process of developing talents in children with deaf disabilities. This research was conducted at SMP LB Negeri Tamanwinangun Kebumen on deaf students at the SMP-LB level. This research is qualitative in nature using a theoretical study of POAC (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling) with informants from the head of SMP LB Negeri Tamanwinangun Kebumen, the deputy head of facilities and infrastructure, a supporting teacher in the field of Makeup skills, and a number of deaf students majoring in Makeup skills. . This research was conducted in March-May 2023. The results of this research show that (1) the management of educational facilities and infrastructure for deaf students influences efforts to optimize the talent development of deaf students at SMP-LB Tamanwinangun Kebumen, (2) talent development is focused on cosmetology skills, (3) management of facilities and infrastructure includes management functions, namely the process of planning facilities and infrastructure used, organizing, implementing, and supervising, (4) optimizing talent development as evidenced by the results of cosmetology work in accordance with the plan.</p> <p>Keyword: Infrastructure Management, Talent Development, Deaf Student</p> Siti Nur Khasanah, Sarwiati, Fatatun Afifah, Fina Fikrotul Izzah, Siti Fatimah, Agus Salim Chamidi Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1938 Wed, 24 May 2023 04:19:52 +0000 Factors Influencing Intentions to Asset Misapproriation at Universities in the Province of West Kalimantan (A Research Conceptual Framework) http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1932 <p>Misappropriation of asset is a form of fraud committed by illegally taking cash, illegally possessing goods or assets of an organization and embezzling goods to enrich oneself or others. This study aims to develop a conceptual research model on asset misuse in tertiary institutions in West Kalimantan Province by developing the Fraud Star Theory model. This study uses the conceptual framework method, namely by observing and analyzing all information regarding the research topic. The conceptual model of this research is expected to become a method that can be used in tertiary institutions as a reference in analyzing the factors that influence the intention to misuse assets. First, conceptual research is defined as a methodology in which research is carried out by observing and analyzing existing information on a particular topic. Second, collecting relevant literature, namely by narrowing down the topic and gathering relevant information. Third, identify certain variables by identifying variables related to the research to be conducted. Fourth, produce a research framework. The initial conclusion in this conceptual study states that there is a positive influence between financial pressure, the quality of human resources and organizational culture on asset misuse. Negative influence between internal control systems and integrity on misappropriation of assets. This conceptual model can then be developed into further research in a more practical form so that it can contribute to eradicating asset misuse in Higher Education and other sectors</p> Pahmi Ardi, Dekar Urumsah Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1932 Wed, 24 May 2023 04:45:25 +0000 The Effect of Competence, Time Budget Pressure, Integrity, Professional Skepticism of Auditors, on Audit Quality with Workload as a Moderation Variable in Detecting Fraud (A conceptual framework of research) http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1959 <p>Audit quality refers to the likelihood and realism of the auditor's identification and reporting of fraud in the accounting system, as well as the extent to which such findings or fraud are reported in the audit report, and the quality of the financial statements is highly expected and reliable. This study aims to develop a research model on fraud on the Effect of Competence, Time Budget Pressure, Integrity, Professional Skepticism of Auditors, on Audit Quality with Workload as a Moderation Variable in Detecting Fraud. This research uses a conceptual model, which analyzes and observes all information relevant to the research topic. The conceptual structure of the study includes a combination of researchers and previous studies of current phenomena. The conceptual model of this research is expected to be a new idea used by government agencies, especially to improve audit quality, to prevent potential fraud.</p> Mohamad Abdul Radjak Masjhur Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1959 Thu, 25 May 2023 03:58:28 +0000 Ethnosains-Based Learning Media in Implementing the Betangas Tradition as a form of Student Organizational Service in the Educational World http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1953 <p>Indonesia is a country rich in culture and local wisdom that is beautiful and interesting to study and preserve. One of the cultures that must be studied and preserved is the Betangas Malay custom in Muratara Regency, Palembang, South Sumatra Province. Betangas is a custom that is carried out by the bride and groom (bride and groom) before getting married. Betangas or what is known as a steam bath is usually done traditionally using local spices such as kaffir lime leaves, reed roots, fragrant pandan leaves, and fragrant lemon grass and covered in the form of pandan mats. However, these days the tradition is not being carried out because the local culture is starting to fade in the younger generation. This is because the younger generation does not know about the local wisdom they have because there is no science learning in schools that are related to local wisdom. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of knowing the philosophy and science concepts in the implementation of Betangas. This study uses a type of qualitative research. While the research method used is the ethnographic method. The results of the study found the concept of temperature, namely heat transfer in the Betangas implementation process. In addition to adding learning media in schools, Betangas local wisdom can also be applied through the dedication of student organizations. The resulting learning media is in the form of visual media, namely posters. Thus the younger generation can find out the local wisdom they have and more easily understand the concept of science.</p> Nona Carolina, Ahmad Syahril Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1953 Thu, 25 May 2023 04:20:28 +0000 Company Determinant of Firm Value with Managerial Ownership as a Moderation Variable in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the IDX http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1950 <p>Companyvalueisanimportantreflectionin the assessment of thecondition of acompany.ThisstudyaimstoexaminetheempiricaleffectofCorporateSocialResponsibility, dividendpolicy,profitabilityandFraudulentFinancialReportingwithManagerialOwnershipasamoderationvariableoncompanyvalue.CSR is measured by SRDI, Dividend Policy is measured by DividendPayoutRatio(DPR),Profitability is measured by ReturnonAssets,FraudulentFinancialReporting is measured by F-ScoreandManagerialOwnershipasamoderationvariableismeasured by thenumberofshareownershipbymanagers.Thisresearchisquantitativeusing the population of manufacturingcompanieslistedontheIDXin2017-2021, data selectionusingpurposivesamplingtechniquesandmultipleregressiondataanalysis.Thisresearchmodelisexpectedtohelpstakeholdersinunderstanding the company's conditionbylookingat the factorsthataffectthecompany'svalue.</p> <p>Keywords: Pengungkapan CSR, Dividend Policy, Profitability, Fraudulent Financial Reporting, Firm Value</p> NADILAH INTAN AMNI Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1950 Thu, 25 May 2023 04:36:22 +0000 The Effect of Internal Control System, Accounting Information System and Human Resource Competence on the Quality of BOS Fund's Report http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1911 <p>School Operational Assistance fund, locally known as BOS fund, is a program by Indonesian government that support education funding to improve access and quality of education, especially for basic education. As one of the responsibilities in implementing BOS fund, heads of education units that received BOS fund must submit a report on the realization of the use of BOS fund. Therefore, the education units must present a good and accountable report on BOS fund. This research aims to determine the effect of internal control system, accounting information system and human resources competence on the quality of school operational assistance (BOS) fund’s report in Mataram City. This research is a quantitative research, with used primary data that obtained through distributed questionnaires to respondents. The population in this research were all elementary schools that received BOS funds on 2022 in Mataram City.&nbsp; The selection of the sample was done by used purposive sampling technique that obtained 35 schools with 105 respondents. The data analysis tool used was Partial Least Square (PLS) 4.0 version. The result showed that the internal control system had an effect on the quality of BOS fund’s report, accounting information system had no effect on the quality of BOS fund’s report, and human resources competence had an effect on the quality of BOS fund’s report.</p> <p>Keywords<strong>:</strong> internal control system; accounting information system; human resources competence; quality of BOS fund’s report.</p> Stefani Astrid Nyudak Prasanthi, Baiq Anggun Hilendri Lestari, Adhitya Bayu Suryantara Copyright (c) http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1911 Fri, 23 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Merdeka Curriculum: Learning Systems and Challenges at Islamic Schools in Pontianak City http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1919 <p>The purpose of this study was to find out the implementation of the Merdeka curriculum in Islamic schools in Pontianak city at the upper secondary level. On the aspect of the intracurricular learning system through election subjects according to the interests, talents and potential of students and co-curricular activities through the project to strengthen the Pancasila student profile as a way of strengthening students’ competence. The challenges faced by Islamic-based secondary schools in implementing the Merdeka curriculum were overcome independently, even though there was an aspect that should have been given by the government to the education unit. This research was carried out using descriptive qualitative methods through data collection techniques of observation, interviews and documentation which were carried out using scientific research procedures and using theories relevant to the focus of this research. Analysis and presentation of data is done by drawing conclusions of this research topic. The results of this study on the Islamic-based high school learning system in implementing the Merdeka curriculum, namely the lessons learned by students consist of general and elective subjects. Students choose subjects based on their talents and interests, then activities that produce work as a manifestation of co-curricular learning have been arranged by the school through the distribution of work schedules and project exhibitions and the development of Islamic character. Teachers in the implementation of learning system activities refer to the learning outcomes and project activities to strengthen the Pancasila student profile with six dimensions. Furthermore, the challenges faced by the teachers in understanding the Merdeka curriculum mostly independently, although there are certain aspects that should be provided by the government but receive less attention.</p> Surya Pratama, Iwan Ramadhan, Muhammad Agus Hardiansyah, Agung Wahyudi, GB Sasya Febrianty, Erwin, Fachrul Alam Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1919 Fri, 23 Jun 2023 14:54:50 +0000 The Influence of Parents’ Attention towards Student Learning Motivation http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1922 <p>Parental participation in school, play a more active role as the sources of influence on the level of parental practice that aims for educational success. But, not all parents are able to be present on their children study. Therefore, this study is to aim the answer does parents involvement affects student learning motivation. The authors will use research with the literature review method. In this method, power is obtained from results in the form of research, reading, analyzing, evaluating, and concluding supporting readings in the form of journals on the themes discussed. This method helps researches to learn about the history and nature of the themes being discussed. There a five hierarchy of needs to keep students motivated to perform well at school. Physiological needs, safety and security, love and belonging, self-esteem, and self actualization. The students need to be fulfilled by the parents to reach it’s ultimate aim. Based on the literature review and discussion, it’s possible to infer that learning motivation and parental participation are inextricably linked and cannot be separated. Achievement motivation is a phenomenon in students that is influenced by a variety of circumstances. The following phenomena of poor motivation for student accomplishments will have impact on kids’ academic progress at school.</p> Intan Mestika, Juntika Nurikhsan, Nandang Budiman Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1922 Fri, 23 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Dakwah Kontemporari Islam Rentas Sempadan: Potensi Jalinan Antara Sabah dan Kalimantan http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1970 <p><em>Islam wujud berteraskan holistik dan syumul tanpa ada batasan agama, bangsa, negara. Peluang dakwah tidak mengenal masa dan tempat. Perlu dilaksanakan di setiap peringkat. Dalam dunia infrastruktur semakin baik, ditambah dengan teknologi digital konsep dakwah lebih meluas dan komprehensif. Pemindahan ibukota Indonesia Ke Kalimantan menjadi suatu peluang kepada Sabah, Malaysia dan Kalimantan, Indonesia untuk bekerjsama dalam setiap aspek dakwah dengan berteraskan rumpun yang sama dari sudut bahasa, berakidahkan ahlisunnah yang sama dengan mazhab Syafii sebagai panduan utama asas syariat Islam. Peluang seperti ini boleh dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin untuk meningkatkan potensi dakwah dari aspek pentadbiran, pendidikan. Sosiobudaya dan lain-lain. Diharapkan lahirnya ibukota baru dan kemudahan infrastruktur baik akan menjadikan perkembangan dakwah di Kalimatan dan Sabah, Malaysia &nbsp;terus berkembang pada masa akan datang.</em></p> Issraq Ramli Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1970 Mon, 26 Jun 2023 07:50:04 +0000 Prasarana Teknologi Maklumat: Sejarah dan Pencapaian Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan Baharu Putrajaya, Malaysia http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2053 <p>Keputusan sesebuah negara untuk memindahkan pusat pentadbiran kerajaan atau ibu negara bukan sesuatu yang mudah untuk dibuat. Namun apabila wujud faktor yang tidak dapat dielakkan, perpindahan tersebut terpaksa dilaksanakan juga. Selain kos perpindahannya yang sangat tinggi, jangkamasa untuk menyelesaikan perpindahan ini juga mengambil masa yang panjang. Pelbagai keperluan perlu disediakan dari infrastruktur asas iaitu jalanraya, elektrik, air, bangunan dan termasuk juga infrasturktur dan infostruktur teknologi maklumat. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sejarah perpindahan pusat pentadbiran kerajaan Malaysia dari Kuala Lumpur ke Putrajaya. Bagaimana dan apakah bentuk infrastruktur teknologi maklumat yang disediakan serta status semasa pusat pentadbiran kerajaan baharu tersebut. Bagi merealisasikan kajian ini, kaedah yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan dan analisis kualitatif teks dan dokumen seperti yang pernah digunakan oleh penyelidik lampau. Kajian seperti ini adalah &nbsp;bertujuan untuk mengemukakan analisis dan intepretasi yang bersifat teori. &nbsp;Kajian ini mendapati proses perpindahan pusat pentadbiran kerajaan Malaysia mengambil masa kira-kira 19 tahun untuk disempurnakan. Infrastruktur dan infostruktur teknologi maklumat bagi Putrajaya disediakan melalui projek pembangunan Koridor Raya Multimedia (MSC) yang dilaksanakan hampir serentak. Putrajaya berjaya dibangunkan sebagai sebuah bandar pintar (bandar siber) dalam taman berteraskan teknologi dan pengetahuan. Putrajaya juga menjadi mercu tanda yang menggambarkan pencapaian sebuah negara moden dan membangun buah tangan anak bangsa sendiri yang bercirikan budaya tempatan. Selain menyediakan prasarana teknologi maklumat, MSC juga menyumbang kepada ekonomi Malaysia yang ditunjukkan dengan sumbangan kepada KDNK yang meningkat dari tahun ke tahun.</p> Mokmin Basri Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2053 Mon, 26 Jun 2023 07:54:51 +0000 The Legal Problems Concerning on Transfer of The Central State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to The National Archipelago Capital Region (IKN) http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1935 <p>ASN employees consist of Civil Servants (PNS) and Contract Government Employees (PPPK). The role of&nbsp;&nbsp; Central State Civil Apparatus (ASN) as enforcers of public order, as civil servants, and as a liaison and unifier of the nation is contained in Law Number 5&nbsp; year 2014 concerning the Central State Civil Apparatus (ASN). The government requires the Central State Civil Apparatus (ASN) to move to the National Archipelago Capital Region (IKN<strong>)</strong>&nbsp; in East Kalimantan. Currently, the government is gradually carrying out preparations and careful studies of the Central State Civil Apparatus (ASN) transfer process. In general, there are four assessment criterium&nbsp; for&nbsp; Central State Civil Apparatus (ASN). The plan is for State Civil Apparatus (ASN)&nbsp; to be transferred to IKN in 2024-2045 to reach 100,023 Central State Civil Apparatus (ASN). In detail, there are 956 state officials, 3,264 high leadership positions, and 95,803 functional positions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Legal Policy related to the Transfer of ASN to the National Archipelago Capital Region (IKN Nusantara) Law number 3 year&nbsp; 2022 concerning the State Capital, and Law Number 5 year&nbsp;&nbsp; 2014 concerning Central State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Presidential Regulation Number 63 year&nbsp;&nbsp; 2022 regarding on Details of the Archipelago Capital City Master Plan, and Presidential Regulation Number 94&nbsp; year&nbsp;&nbsp; 2021 concerning Discipline for Civil Servants, also Decree from the Ministry of Transferring ASN (still in the discussion stage). Disciplinary punishment for civil servants is carried out by authorized officials. Officials authorized to punish are officials authorized to impose disciplinary punishment as regulated in Article 7 of Government Regulation Number 53&nbsp; year&nbsp; 2010.</p> Rosmini Rosmini, Ine Ventyrina, Agustina Wati Agustina Wati, Safarni Husain, Syifa Nuraini Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1935 Mon, 26 Jun 2023 09:11:09 +0000 Overview of Personality as Individual Differences and Factors in EFL Learning Context: A Literature Review Study http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1965 <p>The diversity of learners as individuals is one of the phenomena explored in the field of educational psychology. One of the numerous factors examined in the study of individual differences is personality. However, because each theorist interprets this concept differently, there is no one universal definition that defines what the term "personality" means. The aim of this article is to identify the various personality theories used in the earlier literature as well as to provide a synthesis of earlier research that focuses on personality factors as they relate to individual differences in the context of English language learning. With narrative literature review design, a number of prior studies based on keywords linked to personality in the context of EFL (English as foreign language) learning were collated and reviewed. The findings of the review of the literature revealed that the majority of earlier research characterize learners' personalities using the idea of personality traits. The study examines students in the context of the big 5 personality traits in a broad sense. The other studies, in other hand, classified personality as introverts or extroverts in a more specific sense. There are also a few studies that employed a different framework to define personality factors in the context of EFL learning. In conclusion, this varied definition of personality suggests that researchers have contributed by exploring the role of personality in the EFL learning process from many perspectives.</p> Ayu Ulivia, Mubiar Agustin, Tina Hayati Dahlan Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1965 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:02:17 +0000 The Effect of Perceptions of School Climate and Social Support on Life Satisfaction of Junior High School Students http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1967 <p><strong>Abstract</strong>: This study aims to identify the relationship of student’s perceptions of school climate and social support to students' well-being. The study was conducted in general junior high schools (not religious-based), both public and private in Lembang District, West Bandung Regency. The number of respondents in this study was 382 students. Data collection used three adapted instruments, namely instruments to measure school climate, social support and life satisfaction. Students' perceptions of school climate were measured using the Education Department School Climate Survey (EDSCLS). Student’s perceptions of social support were measured using the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS) and student life satisfaction using the Multidimensional Students' Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS) instrument. The reliability of the adaptation instrument in this study was calculated using the Rasch Model found in the Winstep application. The Cronbach Alpha (α) value on the Education Department School Climate Survey (EDSCLS) instrument is 0.95. (α) 0.97 on the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS) instrument and (α) 0.93 on the Multidimensional Student’s Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS) instrument. The results of this study state that student’s perceptions of school climate and social support simultaneously have a significant effect on student’s life satisfaction.</p> <p>Keywords: school climate, social support, and student’s life satisfaction</p> Dian Sobariah Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1967 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:05:50 +0000 Analysis Management Strategy With The Blue Ocean Strategy Approach To Improve Competitive Advantage In Pt. Gojek Indonesia http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1971 <p>The research aims to find out how companies are creating sustainability with the blue ocean strategy approach to increase competitive advantage at PT. Gojek Indonesia. The study employs a qualitative approach because it explains phenomena in depth through data collection. By a qualitative method of study as a study procedure that results in a descriptive data of written and spoken facts of people and observable behavior. Studies have shown that the factors that constituted the competition in PT. Gojek Indonesia among other things PT. Gojek Indonesia breaking the exchange between fast driver service and a minimal wait time. Then PT. Gojek Indonesia Providing an alternative factor with a bonus easier on the driver. It increases the value curve PT. Gojek Indonesia on the strategy canvas. A value curve PT. Gojek Indonesia Trying to get out of the red ocean by creating additional alternative factors Such as offering attractive promotions to attract customers or cashless systems to make it easier for customers to make transactions.</p> Muhammad Nur Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1971 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:09:17 +0000 Welcoming the Presence of the Capital City of the Archipelago with Guidance on the Dangers of Drugs http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1975 <p>Guidance on the dangers of drugs is carried out with the aim of welcoming the archipelago's capital city by preparing a generation of drug-free successors. The purpose of this paper is to provide guidance on the dangers of drugs to prepare the nation's next generation. The research method uses descriptive-qualitative methods by borrowing quantitative procedures. The results of the study show that the guidance objectives have been achieved. It can be seen from the results of the pretest (73%, up 95%) and posttest (72%, up 96%), which show an increase in understanding. By increasing students' understanding, it is hoped that they will become the nation's next generation, who will fill the development needs of the archipelago's capital city.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Erin Hardiyanti, Rifqi Muhammad, Selvi, Azura, Enik Sartika, Manja Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1975 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:17:17 +0000 Trend Of Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy Emipirical Research In Indonesia http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1976 <p>This research is motivated by the results of research on Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Indonesia that have not been evaluated. There is also no data available from meta-analysis research that evaluates empirical research on Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to describe the evaluation of Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy research from 2014-2022 based on the google scholar indexer. This study uses a type of content analysis. The results of the content analysis show, namely: 1) empirical research on Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Indonesia has fluctuated, the highest in 2019 n = 4 (35%); 2) the type of manuscript is dominated by, namely Thesis n = 9 (69%); 3) research design and methods used are dominated by qualitative with n = 10 (77%); 4) the trend of Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Indonesia is dominated by social fields, namely n = 7 (59%); 5) The most publishers are dominated by the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, namely n = 7 and Hisbah: Guidance Counseling Journal n = 2; 6) the majority of authors are dominated by Imas Kania Rahman n = 2. The findings of this study provide direction for future researchers to examine empirical research on Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy in the fields of career, marriage and family as well as clinically.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Rifqi Muhammad Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1976 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:28:03 +0000 Implementation of the Creative Economy Program in Sambas Regency in Supporting the Archipelago's Capital City http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1978 <p>This paper aims to describe the implementation of the Creative Economy Program in Sambas Regency in Welcoming the Archipelago's Capital City. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. The research location is at the Office of Cooperatives, SMEs, Industry and Trade, Sambas Regency, Indonesia. The informant in this research is Mr. Musa. The results of the study show that the programs that have been built by the Sambas Regional Government in developing the Creative Economy, include: One Village One Product Program, however, there are several villages that have implemented it and there are also villages that have not implemented/looking for superior products in his own village; Sambas IKM Program (web marketing from DISKUMINDAG); Program from Sambas Regent Tema Sipindu (Community Economic Level Through Integrated Savings and Loans), a kind of collective to help people make loans to open a business; When we already have a brand, the local government provides a facility program that is registered with IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. For example, Locale, CW.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Gustina, Ariel Muqsith, Raden Taufikiah Kesuma, Rafiqa Fadilla Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1978 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Effect of Moral Intensity, Professional Commitment, Seriousness of Fraud, Personal Cost, Religiosity, and Reward on Whistleblowing Intentions (Case Study of OPD in Magelang Municipality and Magelang Regency) http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1980 <p class="Abstrakisidankatakunci"><span lang="SV">Whistleblowing is an act of disclosing to internal parties or external parties regarding the existence of things that are believed to be unethical, immoral and of course unlawful behavior, which can cause harm to stakeholders or the organization. This study aims to develop a research conceptual model on whistleblowing intentions OPD in Magelang Municipality and Magelang Regency. The factors used in this research are moral intensity, professional commitment, seriousness of fraud, personal cost, religiosity, and rewards. This study uses a convenience sampling method, which is a collection of information from members of the population who agree to provide this information. This study uses the conceptual framework method, namely by observing and analyzing all information regarding the research topic. The conceptual research framework includes a combination of researchers from previous research and is related to the phenomena that occur. It is hoped that the conceptual model of this research can become a method that can be used in the OPD Magelang Municipality and Magelang Regency as a reference in analyzing the factors that influence whistleblowing intentions. First, conceptual research is defined as a methodology in which research is carried out by observing and analyzing existing information on a particular topic. Second, collecting relevant literature, namely by narrowing down the topic and gathering relevant information around it. Third, identify certain variables by identifying variables related to the research to be conducted. Fourth, the initial conclusion framework in this conceptual study states that there is a positive influence of moral intensity, professional commitment, seriousness of fraud, religiosity, and rewards on whistleblowing intentions, and a negative effect of personal costs on whistleblowing intentions. This conceptual model can then be developed into further research in a more practical form so that it can contribute to the intention to conduct whistleblowing in OPD and other sectors.</span></p> Ridha Nur Zullaekha Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1980 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:46:02 +0000 Factors Affecting Auditor's Ability to Detect Fraud (Study at the Regional Inspectorate Office of the Gorontalo Region) http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1981 <p style="font-weight: 400;">The ability to detect fraud is a required skill for auditors. The role of the government's external audit, the highest auditing board, is very important in realizing transparent management of state finances and free from all elements of fraud. Increasing the auditor's ability to detect fraud will reduce the level of fraud that occurs in the government. This study aims to develop a conceptual model of research on the ability of the Gorontalo Region Regional Inspectorate Government auditors. The factors used in this study are workload, experience, professional skepticism, independence, personality type and ethics. This study used a purposive sampling method, namely by using certain considerations that match the desired criteria. This study uses the conceptual framework method, namely by observing and analyzing all information regarding the research topic. The conceptual research framework includes a combination of researchers from previous research and is related to the phenomena that occur. The conceptual model of this research is expected to become a method that can be used by the Regional Inspectorate of the Gorontalo Region as a reference in analyzing the factors that influence the auditor's ability to detect fraud. First, conceptual research is defined as a methodology in which research is conducted by observing and analyzing existing information on a particular topic. Second, collect relevant literature, namely by narrowing the topic and gathering relevant information around. Third, identify certain variables by identifying variables related to the research to be carried out. Fourth, the initial conclusion framework in this conceptual research states that there is a positive influence between experience, professional skepticism, personality type and ethics on the auditor's ability to detect fraud. The negative effect of workload on the auditor's ability to detect fraud. This conceptual model can then be developed into further research in a more practical form so that it can contribute to the auditor's ability to detect fraud at the Regional Inspectorate of the Gorontalo Region. resulted in an initial concluding framework in this conceptual research stating that there is a positive influence between experience, professional skepticism, personality type and ethics on the auditor's ability to detect fraud. The negative effect of workload on the auditor's ability to detect fraud. This conceptual model can then be developed into further research in a more practical form so that it can contribute to the auditor's ability to detect fraud at the Regional Inspectorate of the Gorontalo Region. resulted in an initial concluding framework in this conceptual research stating that there is a positive influence between experience, professional skepticism, personality type and ethics on the auditor's ability to detect fraud. The negative effect of workload on the auditor's ability to detect fraud. This conceptual model can then be developed into further research in a more practical form so that it can contribute to the auditor's ability to detect fraud at the Regional Inspectorate of the Gorontalo Region.</p> Mega Hippy Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1981 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:48:59 +0000 Prosocial Behavior in Adolescents: A systematic Literature Review http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1983 <p>A systematic literature review was conducted to understand adolescents' prosocial behavior. Using the PRISMA approach and involving 38 Scopus databases, research results from various contexts show that prosocial behavior has a significant positive impact. Content analysis using VosViewer revealed social influence, cognitive development, moral socialization, empathy, and self-regulation as factors related to adolescent prosocial behavior. Longitudinal studies highlight gender differences in the development of adolescent prosocial behavior. Empathic attention is important in the relationship between the ability to take perspective and prosocial behavior. The role of the family environment is also important in shaping adolescent prosocial behavior. Positive parenting, high acceptance, and positive interactions between parents and children are associated with increased prosocial behavior. Social relationships and friendships influence the development of prosocial behavior. Adolescents with high prosocial behavior have a higher quality of friendship and well-being. A holistic approach involving the family, school, and community environment is needed to improve adolescent prosocial behavior. Programs and interventions should consider gender differences, cognitive and social development, social environment, and the quality of interpersonal relationships. The findings provide valuable insights into prosocial behavior in adolescents and the importance of factors that influence it.</p> <p>Keywords : systematic literature review; adolescent prosocial behavior, forming factors</p> Lasmiyati - Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1983 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:52:02 +0000 The Importance of The Role Parents in Improving Children's Self Regulated Learning: A Literature Review Study http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1984 <p>During the Covid-19 pandemic, there were several transition periods, namely from the pandemic to the new normal to normal again which of course will make students bring their study habits due to their conditions and learning environment. This shows that students must adjust learning patterns, adapt to conditions, and choose the right strategy for solving various problems in their learning. The family factor becomes important because of limited social contact, students interact more with family so communication and parental involvement in forming student self-regulated learning is needed. This article aims to examine the importance of parental involvement in achieving self-regulated learning in students. This research method uses a literature review study, which is about how to overcome obstacles to students in the learning process and achieve their self-regulated learning. Participants in this study were junior high school students in Serang City with various genders, ages, classes, living together, and so on. This research collects and analyzes several articles, journals, books, and research reports related to interpersonal communication factors and parental involvement in self-regulated learning. The results of this study recommend that parents take action to facilitate their students or children in providing support to achieve goals in each learning process. This research contributes to parents in improving self-regulated learning in students.</p> Tena Syifaurrohmah Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1984 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 04:59:49 +0000 Financial Statement Fraud Analysis Testing with the New Fraud Diamond Model in Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2021 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1985 <p>Financial statements are documents that contain information that describes the company's financial condition and reflects the real state of the company. Thus, making management try to produce financial statements that describe the company in a healthy state. However, management performance is sometimes not as good as expected. This encourages management to commit financial statement fraud. This study aims to determine the effect of the new fraud diamond model, namely pressure proxied with financial stability and external pressure, personal financial need and financial target, opportunity proxied by the nature of industry and Ineffective Monitoring, personal integrity proxied by earnings management, history of sales and earnings growth, capability proxied by change of directors and to determine the influence of good corporate&nbsp; governance proxied by the Independent Board of Commissioners and Female on Board against financial statement fraud. This research is quantitative by using the population of manufacturing companies listed on the IDX in 2017-2021, selecting data using purposive sampling techniques. This research model is expected to help stakeholders in understanding the factors that affect the currence in financial statements.</p> Faisal Yusuf Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1985 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 05:03:23 +0000 Trends in Student Cultural Intelligence: A Survey at West Java Province Vocational Middle School http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1986 <p>Introduction: Cultural intelligence is essential for students to interact with their environment. Students of SMKN 1 Leuwimunding have diverse sociocultural backgrounds, Javanese and Sundanese. Teaching and learning activities are effective, despite cultural differences. The purpose of this study was to find out the trends in student cultural intelligence: a survey at a vocational high school in West Java Province. Methodology: This type of research is a quantitative survey technique with a cross-sectional design. Participants were 130 students at SMKN 1 Leuwimunding. The data collection technique was a questionnaire in March-April 2023. Results showed that the average value of the strategy subvariable was 7.32, the median was 8, the standard deviation was 2.60, the lowest value was 1, and the highest was 12. The cognitive subvariable was 8.98, the median was 9, the standard deviation was 3.20, the lowest value was 2, and the highest was 17. The motivational subvariable was 9.19, the median was 9, the standard deviation was 2.83, the lowest value was 3, and the highest was 15. The behavioral subvariable was 8.17, the median was 8, the standard deviation was 2.74, the lowest value was 4, and the highest was 14. The total score of the cultural intelligence variable was 33.66, the median was 33, the standard deviation was 8.94, the lowest value was 4, and the highest was 51. Suggestion: increase students' cultural intelligence through the teacher's approach, group discussions, school activities, students respecting each other, and so on.</p> DICKY ZULKIFLI Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1986 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 05:08:58 +0000 Increasing Student Engagement In Post Covid-19 Learning: A Literature Review http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1990 <p>After approximately two years of students and teachers carrying out online learning due to the Covid-19 pandemic, students returned to school. The return of students to school after one year of learning at home causes various consequences, including the psychosocial condition of students, especially in interacting with teachers and peers. Student Engagement is defined as the involvement or active participation of a student in academic and non-academic or school-related activities and having a commitment to educational and learning goals. Student engagement behavior at school can be seen in academic achievement, involvement in the learning process, involvement in extracurriculars, interaction with teachers and friends and student perceptions of the school environment. This article aims to find out how to increase student engagement in post-COVID-19 learning. The research method used is a literature review on increasing student engagement from relevant sources. Data collection techniques by collecting some previous research are then analyzed and concluded so as to get conclusions about solutions to increase student engagement. The results showed that student engagement can be improved by increasing self-efficacy, teacher support, giving praise, friend relationships, family support and motivation from the environment and oneself.</p> <p><em>Kata kunci: </em>Student Engagement, Increasing, Post Covid-19.</p> Nabila Zulfa, Mubiar Agustin, Ilfiandra Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1990 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 05:12:26 +0000 Solution or Ambition? Relocating the National Capital to Borneo Island (Juridical Analysis of Eco-Justice Perspective) http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1995 <p class="Abstrakisidankatakunci" style="margin-bottom: 0cm;"><span style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Calisto MT',serif; font-style: normal;" lang="SV">Problems and solutions are presented at the same time in the effort to relocate the National Capital to Borneo Island. However, the existence of these solutions has not actually reduced the negative stigma of the community who say that the relocation of the National Capital is the ambition of certain elites because the National Capital Law was passed through a process that was not long and seemed not transparent. The community participation involved is considered ineffective because not all people affected by the rules are involved in the process of the draft law on the National Capital City. Using a normative juridical research method based on various related laws and regulations, several legal materials and literature. The author focuses on the basis for the formation of laws and regulations, the 1945 Constitution, then the solution presented later can be implemented properly or is just an ambition of the government to hasten relocate of the National Capital, and most importantly is a juridical analysis of the Eco-Justice perspective in the formation of the new National Capital in Borneo Island.</span></p> Etika Rahmawati, Waskur Waskur Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1995 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 05:15:15 +0000 Overcoming Student Engagement Barriers of E-learning: A Literature Review Study http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1998 <p>The E-learning challenge that teachers frequently confronted as facilitators in the classroom is student engagement. There is a lack of direct engagement between teachers and students, challenges in designing learning instructional materials, and constraints in developing student relationships in virtual environments are challenges that teachers must encounter. This article aims to examine the obstacles experienced by teachers when attempting to facilitate student engagement in e-learning and how to overcome them to enhance the quality of e-learning based on previous studies. This research method uses a literature study on how to overcome barriers to student engagement that can be pursued by teachers from relevant sources. This research collects and analyzes articles, journals, books, and research reports related to the obstacles experienced by teachers in e-learning. The factors analyzed include barriers to student engagement in e-learning, how teachers manage e-learning challenges, and what kinds of abilities must teachers possess to succeed with challenges in e-learning. The results of this study found obstacles in the form of a lack of teacher skills in managing technology and building interaction in the classroom. Efforts to overcome these problems require several skills that must be possessed by teachers, namely: 1) Technological Competency, 2) Design of Learning Materials and Teaching Strategies, 3) Self Efficacy 4) Online Communication and Collaboration. This research recommends that teachers take action to facilitate students and provide constructive feedback to help them achieve learning goals. This research contributes to teachers' efforts to increase student engagement in the context of e-learning.</p> Imtiyaz Fawaida, Juntika Nurihsan, Tina Hayati Dahlan Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1998 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 05:43:18 +0000 Highlighting the Transfer of the State Capital of Indonesia http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2002 <p>Historically, the relocation of the National Capital (IKN) is not a new thing because it was carried out before Indonesia's independence. The relocation of the capital itself requires studies in various fields, including the field of culture. However, studies on cultural aspects are still being carried out, and even cultural elements are not yet included in the points of the IKN Law. Even though the transfer of IKN also means the transfer of culture from immigrants, which is estimated to be 1.5 million in the future, The purpose of this study is to highlight the relocation of the capital city of the State of Indonesia, historical narratives, and cultural struggles. This research is qualitative and a type of library research. The sources used are in the form of books, scientific journals, and websites related to the research title. The results of the study show that efforts to move the capital city have been carried out since the Dutch East Indies era. After independence, efforts to transfer the IKN were also carried out by Indonesian leaders, namely Soekarno, Soeharto, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and Joko Widodo, for various reasons such as security, economics, geography, demography, and others. The relocation of IKN causes a cultural struggle between local culture and immigrants, which can lead to a new culture and even a culture shock. Therefore, efforts are needed to realize local cultural resilience through regulations and strategic steps. So that in the future local wisdom can run well, even local culture will contribute proportionally to the color of the face of the capital city and be able to coexist harmoniously with the new culture</p> Jaelani Jaelani, Risa Risa Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2002 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 05:51:37 +0000 Literature Review Social Interaction Skills of Autistic Children in Inclusive School http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2008 <p>Autistic children generally have three main disorders, namely in social interaction, communication disorders, and their behavior disorders. So, schools with inclusive education are considered as a good solution to overcome the disorders that exist in children with autism. This study was conducted by analyzing articles that had been published from 2015 to 2021 and obtained from <em>Google Scholar</em>, with a focus on the social interaction skills of autistic children in inclusive schools. All articles used qualitative design with descriptive and case studies methods. Four of the five articles chose elementary school children as research subjects and one article on early childhood subjects. The results of the articles show that autistic children are already able to carry out communication and social interaction and even compete, both with peers, parents and teachers. The interactions are carried out in the form of positive and negative interactions. However, autistic children still have limitations in social interaction and still in the passive or minimal category. Recommendations from this study for the parents to be able to expand children's interactions with the surrounding environment. As for the school, especially teachers, they should be able to provide more stimulus for autistic children so that their social interactions are better and increase. Still and all, autistic children still have limitations in social interaction and are still in the passive or minimal category.</p> Pipin Septiani, Nur Faizah Romadona Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2008 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 05:53:58 +0000 The Influence of Celebrity Worship on Student Motivation in Learning http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2010 <p><strong>A</strong><strong>bstract</strong></p> <p>In this era of globalization, the celebrity worshipping phenomenon seems to be a common occurrence we meet in everyday life. Younger generation tend to idolize certain public figures and set them as their role model in life. In the midst of so many negative stigmas about idolatry of a celebrity figure, many of this is associated with extreme fanaticism. However, a lot of case studies showed that idolizing a certain individual could increase the percentage of student’s learning motivation, especially in learning languages. This study uses a literature review method to examine the topic. The literatures used as research references come from a lot of different sources such as international journals, online media reports, books, as well as articles related to motivation to study in relation to celebrity worship. By using Watson and Morgan's Motivation Theory, researchers &nbsp;were able to figure out the relationship between celebrity’s influence and students amplified motivation to learn.Watson and Morgan's Motivation Theory has four important points which are elaborated into these following research results: 1) The original drive consists of three innate emotions; rage, fear, and love; 2) Drive is a generalized motivation process; 3) The emotions are the original source of drive; 4) The level of performance is a function of drive and not of habit. In this study, the researchers seek for the relevance between celebrity worshiping activities as the “drive” of student's learning behavior. The results obtained through this study indicate that the phenomenon of idolatry—in this context it is of celebrity, is proven to increase students' learning motivation, although (in many cases) not permanently.</p> <p>Keyword: Celebrity Influence, Celebrity worshipping, Watson and Morgan Motivation Theory, Drive, Student Motivation.</p> Audi Nurrahmawat Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2010 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 06:58:35 +0000 The Creativity of Teachers in Implementing Learning Activities at Pesantren-Based Junior High School http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2015 <p>Having multitude of activities amidst of demanding schedule is probably inevitable by students who attend Islamic Boarding Schools (Pesantren). This is due to the distinctive cultural environment of pesantren, where students engage not only in general studies but also in Islamic subjects. Encountering various psychological condition such as mental exhaustion, even fluctuating motivation, is a common occurrence. As a result, to be a creative genius is necessary for teachers in order to address the challenge while effectively incorporating Islamic values within a creative learning environment. This research employed a qualitative, utilizing a case study research design. This particular case study aimed to explore and describe the creative process undertaken by teachers addressing various learning challenges within a pesantren-based school setting. Teachers from different subjects are involved as the participants. Exploration and collection for information involved conducting interviews and observations. The findings of this study outline the four stages of teacher’s creative thinking process when conducting learning activities in a pesantren-based school. These stages are as follows: (1) preparation, which involves creating lesson plans; (2) incubation, where teachers engage in observation, diversion, and contemplation; (3) illumination, characterized by moments of unexpected inspiration and ideas; and (4) verification, when teachers express their creativity by incorporating the inspiration and ideas into actual learning activities. These four stages represent the teachers' creative efforts in conducting learning activities in a pesantren-based school, with the aim of achieving a balanced learning outcome that encompasses practical application (amaliya) of knowledge (ilmiya) in students' daily lives.</p> Salman Alfarisi Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2015 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:02:40 +0000 MANAGEMENT OF CHARACTER ESTABLISHMENT THROUGH ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2047 <p>This paper will discuss the role of Islamic religious education in schools in building the character of students. Islamic Religious Education (PAI) is one of the most critical pillars of character education. Character education will grow well if it starts by instilling a religious spirit in children, therefore PAI material in schools is one of the supports for character education. Through PAI learning, students are taught aqidah as the basis of their religion, taught the Koran and hadith as a way of life, taught fiqh as legal signs in worship, taught Islamic history as an example of life, and taught morals as a guide for human behavior whether in the good or bad category. bad. Therefore, the main goal of PAI learning is the formation of personality in students, which is reflected in their behavior and mindset in everyday life. Besides that, the success of learning PAI in schools is also determined by the application of appropriate learning methods.</p> Muhammad Faisal Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2047 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:05:17 +0000 Disparity in Interfaith Marriage: Legal Conflicts on Marriage Regulations and Population Administration http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2050 <p>This research is a study of regulations regarding marriage with population administration or the disparity of interfaith marriages. The importance of this research is because there are disparities (legal conflicts) that regulate interfaith marriage issues. The existence of regulation article 2 in Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning the Basic Marriage Law is implicitly clear that it is illegal according to religion and state. Unlike the case with article 35 letter a in Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration, it has opened opportunities or opportunities for couples who want to get married but have different religions. The emergence of this legal conflict has opened up opportunities for judges to determine interfaith marriages. Judges in dealing with interfaith marriages have different views, some of them grant the request but some reject the application of interfaith marriages. Against this difference, of course, raises multiple interpretations or legal uncertainty in society. The results of this study, of course, need to be discussed in depth, namely the existence of legal certainty against legal conflicts from the two regulations</p> Rondang Herlina Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2050 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:10:15 +0000 Hifdzul Bi'ah in the Development Map of Indonesian New Capital City http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2051 <p>The construction of the New Capital City of the Republic of Indonesia is an interesting topic to discuss. Given the increasing population density and increasingly complex environmental problems, relocating the capital is an option worth considering. The plan to move the national capital to Central Kalimantan has been launched by President Joko Widodo in 2019 and is a major project in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). Several academic documents and manuscripts, with various dimensions and points of view, have been created in response and contribution to the project of relocating the capital of this country. Starting from a historical, juridical, socio-anthropological point of view, even to a mystical point of view. In Islamic law, some academics have also studied it from the aspect of maslahah and maqashid shari'ah. This study tries to answer and uncover the role of Islamic law in Fiqhul Bi'ah towards the development of the National Capital. This perspective and approach is considered important because the relocation of the capital city also has the potential for significant environmental damage. This fiqhul bi'ah perspective is also important so that the development of the country's capital city does not ignore religious or religious dimensions, therefore the Fiqhul bi'ah point of view needs to be used as social control.&nbsp; Because this research is library research, researchers use the descriptive study method of analysis (dirasah washfiyyah tahliliyyah) by looking at some phenomena that arise from the development of the National Capital and studying it in the perspective of fiqhul bi'ah.</p> Yusuf, Waskur Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2051 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:13:27 +0000 Leadership Integrity in the Qur'an Towards the National Capital (IKN) in the Borneo Region http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1997 <p>The integrity of leadership is something that is urgent in the order of people's lives, especially in terms of addressing issues and dynamics of government that are better, transparent, accountable and with integrity. Because it will determine the policy direction for better future governance. Therefore, the Qur'an talks about leadership, including referring to the word caliph. The word caliph is found in QS al-Baqarah/2: 30 and QS Sad/38: 26, these two verses show the purpose of creating humans on earth as caliphs (leaders). In this context it shows the existence of humans as God's representatives on earth as caliphs or leaders. The word leader in the Qur'an uses the term caliph, meaning to replace, leave, replace, or inheritor. In terminology, this word contains at least two double meanings. On the one hand, the caliph is defined as the head of state in the past Islamic government and empire, which in the context of the kingdom has the same meaning as the sultan. This research method uses qualitative research with the type of literature study research, while in data collection using books, or journal articles that are relevant to the research title. As for the results of the research, leadership integrity is important to understand and actualize in people's lives, this is due to seeing various phenomena that occur in society in everyday life which always collide with the rules or norms and applicable laws. So that an attitude of firmness, integrity and loyalty of a leader is needed in dealing with problems that occur in society, nation and state in the territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ahmad Zabidi, alkadri, hamnah, sri sunantri, hadari Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1997 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:17:12 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF THEMATIC LEARNING IN CLASS V AT STATE IBTIDAIYAH MADRASAH (MIN) 1, KUBU RAYA DISTRICT http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2052 <p>This study aims to determine; 1) planning thematic learning, 2) implementing thematic learning, 3) inhibiting and supporting factors in thematic learning. This study used a qualitative method with a descriptive qualitative approach, using data analysis techniques, observation, interviews and documentation. The results of the research show that the planning carried out by the Thematic teachers in Class V chose a learning design, which was included in the making of the Lesson Implementation Plan (RPP) also used methods, media and strategies, in the learning process, learning according to the indicators to be achieved. Implementation of teacher learning uses learning methods, namely, lecture methods, discussions, question and answer, and assignments, also the strategies used vary according to the characteristics of the subjects or sub-themes of thematic learning also use learning media in accordance with the sub t such as media pictures, power point, blackboard and bicycle. Internal and external factors, internal factors in learning come from the students themselves who do not understand the material or themes conveyed by the teacher towards thematic learning. External inhibiting factors are seen from the environment where students live which cannot provide motivation and enthusiasm to students, so that students go to school without motivation to learn. While the supporting factors in the learning process are strongly influenced by a comfortable and pleasant classroom climate, there are also learning media available in the classroom so that the teacher can explain easily.</p> Salito Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2052 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:23:48 +0000 Exploring The Antecedents of Cash Waqf Giving Behavior; The Empirical Study in West Kalimantan, Indonesia http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2054 <p>West Kalimantan's waqf development is less satisfactory. This is evident from the fact that this province occupies the 21st position out of 34 provinces based on the National Waqf Index (IWN). Therefore, the study seeks to discover how variables such as knowledge, Islamic religiosity, and self-efficacy influence cash waqf-giving behavior, moderated by green subjective norms. A self-managed questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 383 different types of respondents. Then, the data was deployed by constructing structural equation modeling (SEM) to verify the determinant factors that influence the use of cash waqf instruments. It is discovered that the entire set of antecedents has a significant impact on explaining cash waqf-giving behavior. Furthermore, the influence of green subjective norms on cash waqf giving behavior has the highest coefficient of regression, implying that Nazir must use influential people both within the family and in the larger community to promote cash waqf so that people are willing to donate their wealth in cash waqf in the end.This study also provides a new perspective on how the social psychological aspect is important to improving the cash waqf fundraising strategy and, as a result, will increase the ranking of IWN West Kalimantan.</p> Muhammad Khairul Anwari, Doddy Primayudia Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2054 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:35:25 +0000 ADIWIYATA GOVERNMENT AND EDUCATION COLLABORATION IN ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION IN CENTRAL KALIMANTAN http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2055 <p>This research departs from an area located in Central Kalimantan is one part of the Dayak tribe, there is a difference between local knowledge and local wisdom. A person is said to have local knowledge due to experiencing so that he learns and finally has an understanding of natural phenomena traditionally, known as traditional knowledge (Sillitoe 2012). One of the provincial government programs in Central Kalimantan is adiwiyata school as a forum to foster community love for the environment and the environment, especially for children in school period. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and preserve local wisdom that develops in the local community, namely based on adiwiyata schools as one of the environmental preserves in Central Kalimantan. Based on this, we researched about the Adiwiyata of Government Collaboration and Education in Environmental Conservation in Central Kalimantan.</p> <p>This research is field research, this type of research is environmental education. With interview data collection techniques and documentation. This study describes or describes the conditions that exist in the field.</p> <p>Results of this study: a. The wisdom of the Dayak community in preserving the environment in Central Kalimantan, we can see this from SMAN 2 Katingan Hilir and SDN 4 Kasongan Lama in protecting the environment and practicing the values of local wisdom, in this case adiwiyata schools. b. The role of the Katingan Regency government in environmental conservation in Central Kalimantan encourages the creation of adiwiyata schools.</p> M. Tri Ramdhani, Ariyadi Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2055 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:38:30 +0000 UNDERSTANDING OF STRAIGHT-LINE GEOMETRY CONCEPTS IN NEW STUDENTS OF MATHEMATICS EDUCATION http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2056 <p>The results of a survey of new students at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at the Islamic Institute of Religion Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, 87% did not like learning mathematics due to the many formulas that had to be memorized. To prevent students from experiencing difficulties in the geometry learning process, it is best to analyze the difficulties students face early. This type of research is a qualitative research conducted on new students receiving KIP Lectures at the Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas Institute of Islamic Religion. This study aims to describe students' ability to understand the concept of straight-line geometry. It was found that students needed help understanding the concept of straight-line geometry. It is characterized by symptoms that students only directly answer questions, only use existing formulas in the reading material, and cannot change the current formulas in the reading material.</p> Lukman Nurhakim, Syarifah Rizekia Zulaikha Assegaf Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2056 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Student Learning Motivation in the Zoning System http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2064 <p>This research was motivated by the enactment of a ministerial regulation regarding the zoning-based PPDB system in various schools in Indonesia. The zoning system is an approach used in education to limit students' access to schools based on the geographical area in which they live. This study aims to analyze and understand how the description of students' learning motivation in schools that use the zoning system. The research method used is literature review or literature review. This research literature review comes from various media in the form of articles, journals, books, and other literary sources related to motivation to learn in the zoning system. The selected source is a study whose school uses a zoning system. There are 13 articles used to study this research. The results of the study can be concluded that the zoning system can produce high learning motivation and low learning motivation. High learning motivation in the zoning system is due to external and internal factors in students. These factors include the quality of teaching, learning environment, social support, and students' personal goals. Meanwhile, learning motivation is low because the zoning system prioritizes the distance between home and school as the main requirement for admitting new students, making students reluctant to learn because grades are considered not too important, there are favorite schools in several areas, schools are not evenly distributed in each area, and teaching quality not optimal.</p> Fauzah Almira Latifah Susianto Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2064 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:46:14 +0000 THE EFFECT OF MATHEMATICS ANXIETY ON ACADEMIC PROCRATINATION MODERATED WITH SELF-CONTROL FACTORS IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS OF UPI http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2066 <p class="Abstract" style="text-indent: 1.0cm;"><span style="font-size: 11.0pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman','serif';">Mathematics is a study that is used as a basic science of various other exact sciences, teaching mathematics is a priority in the development of education and mathematics has an important role because mathematics is a method of logical, critical, creative thinking, order, art, and language as well. Because mathematics is a measure of a person's intelligence or intelligence, many avoid mathematics so that many students choose to do other things that are more fun or important when dealing with mathematics. Feeling anxious, worried, and uncomfortable when dealing with math, or feeling math anxiety. Math anxiety is also associated with academic procrastination to avoid feeling anxious. Procrastination is also one of the causes of a person's delay in completing his studies because individuals choose to do other things that are more enjoyable. Academic procrastination is a person's tendency to procrastinate with illogical reasons. Many of the students do academic procrastination while working on their thesis or final assignment so that these students are late in completing their studies. There are factors that can influence the occurrence of math anxiety and academic procrastination, namely good self-control in final semester students who are working on their thesis or final assignment. This study aims to analyze self-control as a variable that moderates the effect of math anxiety on academic procrastination in students of UPI mechanical engineering education. This research method uses a literature review report presentation system.</span></p> Sarah Shafiya Fadinastasha, Mubiar Agustin, Ilfiandra - Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2066 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:49:41 +0000 Manpower Training and Development in a company http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2106 <p>The purpose of this study is to describe the training and development of workforce in a company and alternative solutions that can be pursued in overcoming these problems. The method used is a qualitative method with a library research approach. Data collection through books, journal articles and other relevant sources. The result of this study is that achieving the goals or success of a company is determined by the quality of the people in it. Human resources can also be interpreted as all humans involved in an organization to strive for the realization of organizational goals. Humans are an important component in an organization that will move and carry out activities. Human Resources will work optimally if the organization can support their career advancement by looking at what their competencies really are. Usually, competency-based training and development of Human Resources will increase employee productivity so that the quality of work will also be higher and lead to customer satisfaction and the organization or company will benefit.</p> Budiman Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2106 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 07:53:27 +0000 OJK EFFORTS IN COMMITTING FRAUD ONLINE ARISAN http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1918 <p>Online arisan is an arisan activity that is carried out online through social media. fellow members of the arisan may or may not know each other. Because there are factors that can know each other and do not know each other fellow members resulting in fraud. The purpose of this research is 1. To find out the Online Research Mode. online gathering. This research uses a qualitative method with a research model to obtain data from observing videos on the Youtube channel. The source of the data in this study was obtained from Youtube. The method of analysis in this research is by watching, observing, and listening to content about online arisan fraud. This is done because the data in this study is in the form of content found on YouTube. Data certainty is very important so it requires accuracy in collecting data. The modes used in online arisan fraud vary widely from investments, online deposits, online arisan and auctions. In Islamic law arisan is allowed if the principle being carried out is mutual help (ta'awun) unless there is actions that are prohibited by Islam. The Financial Services Authority (OJK) as the supervisory agency for all activities in the financial services sector in Indonesia reminds the public before investing to pay attention to the legality of each investment instrument to avoid this online-based illegal investment. . The legal defense carried out by OJK is in the form of orders for financial service institutions to take action against consumer claims that have suffered losses and expect compensation due to violations of regulations in the financial services sector. Repressive protection is also carried out through enforcement of criminal, civil and administrative sanctions. Law enforcement against perpetrators of fraud through online-based illegal securities companies has not been explicitly regulated in a specific law that can be burdensome to perpetrators. In Islamic law arisan is permissible and the law is permissible if the principle being carried out is mutual help (ta'awun) unless there are actions that are prohibited by Islam. in Islamic law including Saddu Dzariah. Saddu Sdzariah is a method of establishing Islamic law by closing roads that are considered to lead to actions that are harmful and prohibited. If this media leads to work recommended by Islamic law, then it is recommended, but if it affects something that is forbidden, then the law is not permissible. Based on the Saddu Dzariah method, it implies that it is prohibited to carry out actions that bring benefits and are prohibited, such as online arisan fraud.</p> Devi Wulan Safitri Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1918 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 08:05:22 +0000 IMPLEMENTATION OF TOLERANCE VALUES IN THE CONTEXT OF RELIGIOUS MODERATION: CASE STUDY AT PRIVATE VOCATIONAL SCHOOL OF 1 MEMPAWAH TIMUR http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1943 <p>This research was conducted at Mempawah Timur 1 State Vocational High School, Mempawah Regency. This research was motivated by the importance of implementing religious tolerance values. This is partly due to the fact that in the context of a pluralistic, multicultural and multi-faith (religion) society in Indonesia, conflict often arises between adherents of different religions. For this reason, one of the roles and functions of religious education is to increase religious moderation with students in carrying out their respective religious beliefs. The results of this study indicate: 1. Implementation of the Values of Religious Tolerance. where the implementation is carried out by providing opportunities for all students to take part in their respective religious studies, emphasizing each teacher to create a climate of tolerance, maintaining the gap between religious communities and mutual respect for each other. 2. Supporting and inhibiting factors in the implementation of instilling the values of religious tolerance, supporting factors include: the surrounding environment, creative teachers, and encouragement of government policies, inhibiting factors. Limited infrastructure facilities, lack of teaching staff, and outside influences.</p> Ismail Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1943 Tue, 27 Jun 2023 08:40:35 +0000 Kingship and Monarchy In The Brunei Sultanate http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2169 <p><em>This article delves into the intricate components that define the institution of kingship and monarchy in Brunei Darussalam. The focal points of this discussion revolve around the concepts of God-king (dewaraja), sovereign (daulat), and treachery (derhaka), which was influenced during the Indianisation period. These foundational principles were subsequently influenced by the advent of Islam in the region. To comprehensively analyse the concept of kingship, we will explore Geertz’s Negara System and Milner’s Kerajaan System of Government. Furthermore, another key aspect to consider is the formation of the army, comprising soldiers who pledged their loyalty to various leaders rather than exclusively to the Sultan. These intriguing dynamic highlights the existence of distinct power structures and allegiances within the governance framework. Consequently, the army's allegiance, though not solely tied to the Sultan, played a crucial role in shaping the institution of kingship during the 16th to 19th centuries in the Brunei Malay Sultanate. By examining these interconnected components—God-king, sovereign, treachery, the Negara System, the System of Malay Sultanate Government, and the army—we gain a deeper understanding of the institution of kingship and the governance of the Brunei Malay Sultanate during its historical zenith. These elements collectively underpinned the socio-political fabric of the Brunei Malay Sultanate, reflecting the complex interplay of religious, cultural, and power dynamics within the kingdom</em></p> Md Rozan bin Dato Hj Md Yunos, Awang Asbol bin Haji Mail Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2169 Thu, 06 Jul 2023 15:43:36 +0000 The Role of Higher Education Existence in Sebayan Education Zone Toward Socio-Economic of Sebayan Rural Community http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2184 <p>Higher education is one of the most important institutions in the development of education in Indonesia. Its birth and development are inseparable from the demands and aspirations of national development. Higher education is organized as a systemic unit with an open and multi-meaning system, which builds a process of acculturation and empowerment of higher education components creatively and effectively and respects pluralism in society. The existence of tertiary institutions also influences the surrounding area, especially the area directly adjacent to the college campus. This will have an impact on increasing building density and population. This change will affect the pattern of land use and the function of the house as a social activity. Among other things, there has been a conversion of the function of a residential house into a house with economic activities (room rent/contract) as well as changes/addition of space and buildings to increase capacity.</p> Oskar Hutagaluh Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2184 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 03:00:30 +0000 THE ROLE OF WOMEN'S LEADERSHIP IN DEVELOPMENT AT DARUL ULUM ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL VILLAGE OF KUALA DUA KUBU RAYA http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1960 <p>Imam Sanusi, 2022. The Role of Women's Leadership in the Development of Pondok Putri at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Kuala Dua Village, Kubu Raya, Darul Ulum College of Tarbiyah Studies (STITDAR), Kubu Raya.<br>This journal is the result of research on the Role of Women's Leadership in the Development of Pondok Putri, Kuala Dua Kubu Raya Village. The purpose of this research is to describe and know factually about. 1) The Role of Women's Leadership in the Development of Pondok Putri at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, Kuala Dua Kubu Raya Village. 2) To find out the form of the Development of Pondok Putri at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Kuala Dua Kubu Raya Village. 3) To find out the efforts of Women's Leadership in developing Pondok Putri at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School in Kuala Dua Kubu Raya Village. It is known that a woman leader does not only act as a leader but as well as a mother figure. The data source in this study is the leader of the female Islamic boarding school. and this research was conducted using a descriptive method with a qualitative approach, techniques and data collection tools were observation, interviews, documentation that presented data about the leadership of the Putri Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School. Data management and data analysis techniques use an interactive model with the stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions which are presented as a whole, comprehensively.<br>The results of this study can be concluded that the development of Islamic boarding schools can also be developed through the role of Islamic boarding schools, especially the leadership of Islamic boarding schools which do not only act as educational institutions, but also act as social social institutions and community economic institutions. Women are often described as soft, tend to give in, weaker, less active and desire to nurture. On the other hand, men are often shown as someone who is bigger, dominant, stronger, more active, autonomous and aggressive. The development of Islamic boarding schools has a curriculum content that is implemented at the Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School, the development of Islamic boarding schools includes Islamic PAUD/TK Islamic Darul Ulum, MTs Darul Ulum, MA Darul Ulum. , fostering students' daily worship through mentoring activities, mutabaah yaumiyah practice, intensive coaching in the field of reciting the Qur'an, speeches in 3 languages, group hadrah, tafaquh and tahfidz al qur'an. while the obstacles faced by women's leadership are as follows a) Theological Barriers b) Socio-Cultural Obstacles c) Perspective Obstacles d) Historical Obstacles</p> Imam Sanusi Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1960 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 03:39:51 +0000 INFLUENCE OF GENDER, AUDIT EXPERTISE, PRESSURE FOR COMPLIANCE AND BONUSES ON AUDIT JUDGMENT (Study On Public Accounting Firms In Southeast Sulawesi) http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1974 <p><span class="fontstyle0">Audit Judgment is the auditor's policy in determining opinion on audit matters which refers to the formation<br>of an idea, opinion or estimate about an object, event, status or other types of events. This study aims to<br>develop a conceptual model of research on audit judgment at Public Accounting Firms (KAP) in Southeast<br>Sulawesi. The variables used in this study are Gender, Audit Expertise, Compliance Pressure and Bonuses<br>with Auditor Education and Auditor Experience as control variables. This study uses the conceptual<br>framework method by observing and analyzing all information regarding the research topic. The conceptual<br>research framework includes a combination of researchers from previous research and is related to the<br>phenomena that occur. The conceptual model of this research is expected to become a method that can be<br>used by public accounting firms as a reference in analyzing the factors that influence the intention to misuse<br>assets. First, conceptual research is defined as a methodology in which research is carried out by observing<br>and analyzing existing information on a particular topic. Second, collecting relevant literature, namely by<br>narrowing down the topic and gathering relevant information around it. Third, identify certain variables by<br>identifying variables related to the research to be conducted. Fourth, produce a framework. The initial<br>conclusion in this conceptual study states that there is a positive influence between gender, audit expertise<br>and bonuses or incentives on Audit Judgment . The negative effect of obedience pressure on Audit<br>Judgment . This conceptual model can then be developed into further research in a more practical form so<br>that it can contribute to the integrity of the auditor in carrying out his duties so as to provide a basis for<br>confidence in the assessment he makes.</span> </p> Arya Azhari, Johan Arifin Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/1974 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 04:15:12 +0000 Moving the Indonesian Capital City and Social Implications for Sabah http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2185 <p>Malaysia-Indonesia is one of the most important countries in the world. Malaysia is also the second most important country in Indonesia, and Malaysia is the third most important. Indonesia is a country with the largest number of people living in Malaysia. Malaysia and Indonesia are a part of the world, and Indonesia is the second largest country in terms of the total number of Malaysians living in Indonesia. Malaysia is the fourth largest country, with a population of 1.9 million people. Malaysia has the highest number of residents living in Southeast Asia and the third largest in Southeast Asian countries.</p> Amrullah Maraining, Ramli Dollah Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2185 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 06:04:08 +0000 The Urgency of Teaching the Qur'an in Religious Development for Converts in the Border Region of Indonesia http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2186 <p><span class="fontstyle0">The Qur'an as </span><span class="fontstyle2">the word of Allah </span><span class="fontstyle0">should be used as a guide for the life of Muslims, including by learning and practicing the instructions contained in the contents of the holy book. Learning the Qur'an is an obligation for every Muslim, because the Qur'an is an intercessor for its readers. This research method uses qualitative research with the type of literature study research, while in data collection using books, or journal articles that are relevant to the research title. As for the research results, the urgency of teaching the Qur'an, First; Peace of mind and soul. This is because Allah has made the Qur'an a </span><span class="fontstyle2">Syifaan </span><span class="fontstyle0">(medicine) for all kinds of heart ailments, Second, gaining stability, Third, awareness of one's own weaknesses and limitations, Fourth, a soft and spacious heart in accepting the truth, Fifth, getting various kinds of goodness and virtue in the hereafter. This kindness and virtue can be in the form of a high degree in the sight of Allah, as a lamp and light in the grave, getting his </span><span class="fontstyle2">intercession </span><span class="fontstyle0">(help). The urgency of teaching the Koran in religious development for converts to converts in Indonesia's border areas is important to make it easier for converts to learn Islam, especially in terms of reading the Koran and the methods used in teaching the Koran in religious development for converts in border areas using the iqro' method.</span> </p> Alkadri, Ahmad Zabidi, Hadari, Maulana Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2186 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 07:21:45 +0000 THE ROLE OF ISLAMIC HIGHER EDUCATION IN WELCOME TO THE CAPITAL CITY OF INDONESIA http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2187 <p>The transfer of IKN from Jakarta to Kalimantan definitely brings pros and cons. However, as a democratic country, when the State has decided to move the IKN to a democratic process through a law, all components of the nation should support it. The research method used is literature review, adopting several articles and then reviewing documents and evaluating previous similar studies. The transfer of IKN from Jakarta to Kalimantan definitely brings pros and cons. However, as a democratic country, when the State has decided to move the IKN to a democratic process through a law, all components of the nation should support it. The Indonesian nation needs to minimize the excess transfer of IKN . There is no single decision that satisfies all the people, but decisions that provide greater benefits to the Indonesian people must be supported as a form of love and devotion for the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia</p> Sigid Sri Harsanto Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2187 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 07:49:18 +0000 The Potential of Sambas Regency in Welcoming Migration Capital of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (A Location Qoutient Approach ) http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2189 <p>Efforts to achieve the goals of the state as set forth in the preamble to the 1945 Constitution, one of which was made by the government by building a National Public Administration. In supporting the IKN, each region must strive to increase economic growth, including in Sambas Regency. Economic growth is one of the macro indicators to see real economic performance in a region. The magnitude of the role of various economic business fields in producing goods and services greatly determines the economic structure of a region. This paper includes quantitative research, with sample data on the GRDP of West Kalimantan and Sambas Regency from 2017-2022. The approach used in the analysis is <em>Location Qoutient </em>(LQ) with the help of <em>Microsoft Excel software </em>to process data. The results of this study indicate that based on LQ calculations it indicates that 5 sectors in Sambas Regency are classified as base sectors and 12 sectors are classified as non-base sectors. 5 sectors with LQ values &gt; 1 are sectors that have the potential to be developed and contribute greatly to increasing regional economic growth, namely the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Wholesale and Retail Trade sectors; Car and Motorcycle Repair, Information and Communication, Real Estate and Educational Services <strong>. </strong>For this reason, all elements must cooperate with each other in optimizing the potential that exists in Sambas Regency so that when the transfer of IKN occurs, Sambas Regency is ready to face the transfer</p> Iwan Kusnadi Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2189 Thu, 13 Jul 2023 08:06:10 +0000 INNOVATIVE APPROACHES IN SHAPING THE SPORTS INDUSTRY ECOSYSTEM: A CASE STUDY OF THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE IN INDONESIA http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2190 <p><em>The Indonesian football ecosystem is undergoing a major transformation in today's computer and internet era. Various aspects of football are affected by these changes, including the way clubs relate to fans and the use of digital technology. The football industry is no longer limited to the production of raw materials such as jerseys and footballs, but also produces ancillary products aimed at improving the health of athletes and clubs. To comply with FIFA and PSSI laws, it is crucial to understand issues such as fan fanaticism, sponsorship involvement and efforts to prevent referee cheating. This study aims to answer and identify the best model for the Indonesian football industry ecosystem, as well as identify stakeholders involved in it. The research method used is qualitative by conducting interviews in group discussion forums, observations, and literature studies based on previous research. The results show the important role of supporters in supporting their favourite clubs and providing income for those clubs. In addition, digital media is also widely used to build the club's image and attract the interest of the audience. Video streaming also has a big impact on the enthusiasm of viewers in the Indonesian football ecosystem. In addition, this study provides insight into how a club can provide welfare for the athletes it shelters. This research provides valuable insights into changes in the Indonesian football ecosystem in the digital age, and provides a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the football industry and its relation to club revenue, digital media utilization, and athlete welfare. The implications of this research can help Indonesian football clubs to optimize the potential of the football industry ecosystem in today's digital era</em>.</p> Uden Kusuma Wijaya, Gumilar Rusliwa Somantri, Muhammad Syaroni Rofii Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2190 Fri, 14 Jul 2023 07:38:43 +0000 Management and Classroom Teacher Leadership in Achieving Quality Human Resources towards the ASEAN Community http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2122 <p>The success of an educational organization will be largely determined by leadership. All the behavior of an educational leader will give color to the educational institution he leads. An educational leader in managing education in the face of ASEAN free market competition, it is time to realize that applied management knowledge is no longer driven by worldly motivations, but shifted to spiritual motivations. Creating a comfortable class is a study of classroom management. Because classroom management is a series of teacher behaviors in an effort to create and maintain classroom conditions that enable students to learn well. In the classroom all aspects of learning meet and process, teachers with all their abilities, students with all their backgrounds and potentials, the curriculum with all its components; methods with all their approaches, media with all their tools, materials with all their learning resources meet and interact in the classroom. To improve the total quality continuously, a teacher has good personality, pedagogic, social aspects and has the ability to create a safe and orderly environment so that the dynamics in the class become comfortable (enjoyable).</p> Hema Malini Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2122 Fri, 21 Jul 2023 03:18:45 +0000 Education, Social, Humanities, and Islamic Studies http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2123 <p><em>The study of Islamic sciences has been growing rapidly in recent years. One of the main driving forces is the movement towards integrating knowledge, formalized within Islamic educational institutions. Efforts to integrate general sciences (natural, humanities, and social sciences) with disciplines based on Islamic traditions continue to be encouraged. Both academic and non-academic research touch upon various aspects of social and religious life, particularly those relevant to modern society. These studies are expected to address the challenges, needs, and changes of the time to promote the glory of Islam, both intellectually and in practical life. History offers key aspects of human life and is represented through symbols of communication. Through these symbols, humans can recognize and understand the past, detect the present, and anticipate the future. These symbols are constructed conventionally by historical actors as identities that signify many things. Social-humanities disciplines, such as communication and historical studies, can be developed together through more open methodological adaptations to strengthen each other, both scientifically and for practical purposes. To become more comprehensive and integrative, social-humanities sciences are also encouraged to incorporate perspectives from Islamic disciplinary traditions</em></p> Sobirin Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2123 Fri, 21 Jul 2023 03:52:54 +0000 The Existence of Customary Law Community's Rights (Hak Ulayat) Over Land in Kalimantan http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2062 <p>Land is the source of life and, at the same time, a symbol of identity in which the honor and dignity of its owners are embedded. Land holds significant and vital meaning for the Dayak people, reflecting their identity. The relationship between the Dayak community and the land (nature) is a reality of life, where they are interrelated in the unity between living beings and nature. The indigenous communities in Kalimantan understand "Hak Ulayat" as customary land. The conception of customary land is understood as land subject to customary law. This customary land consists of three important aspects in relation to its ownership: firstly, communal customary land held by the indigenous community, which is jointly possessed, protected, maintained, and utilized for collective interests. "Hak Ulayat" faces challenging and burdensome issues in its recognition and protection. Article 3 of the Basic Agrarian Law (UUPA) asserts that the implementation of "Hak Ulayat" and similar rights of indigenous communities, to the extent they still exist in reality, must be carried out in a manner that aligns with national and state interests, based on national unity, and in compliance with higher laws and regulations.</p> Lolita, Salfius Seko, Chandra Maharani, M. Tohir, Herlina Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2062 Fri, 21 Jul 2023 05:39:39 +0000 The Dynamics of Investment in the New Capital City (IKN) on the Use of Customary Land Rights (Hak Ulayat) in Legal Perspective http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2058 <p>The development plan for the New State Capital (IKN) will have an impact on the use of land or land as a place to build facilities and infrastructure to support the activities of the new capital which will move from the City of Jakarta to the Province of East Kalimantan. In addition to the construction of facilities and infrastructure in the New Capital area, it is possible for investment to enter both from within and outside the country who will invest in the New Capital, where the investment will require land in the form of land. Land in the New State Capital other than land owned by the state will be possible to include customary land or land with customary rights. Ulayat rights are one of the rights recognized by the state even at a level above other lands in the laws and regulations in the agrarian sector. Therefore, even though development is carried out including bringing in investment, the government must still pay attention to the interests of the community, including the interests of indigenous peoples.</p> Siti Rohani, Sri Ismawati, Sy. Hasyim Azizurrahman, Uti Asikin, Rachmawati, Mega Fitri Hertini Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2058 Fri, 21 Jul 2023 06:28:47 +0000 Anticipating Kalimantan as the New Capital City of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in the Perspective of Legal Politics http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2063 <p>Since the announcement of the official transfer of the national capital, many reactions have been shown by various groups of people. One aspect that is urgent to study is the change and readiness of people's lives which are an important part of this transfer process and the development of national law in the future. The development of national law in the future must mark the implementation of laws that are in accordance with the wishes of the community and fulfill the values of change in society so that members of the community can be happy. This study looks at how the community is prepared to welcome the relocation of the state capital to Kalimantan and the development of its national law. The results of this study conclude that the development of national law that wants to prosper and make people happy must prioritize sociological insights into legal politics to be able to explain, organize, predict, and solve problems of social change and their influence on the development of a national legal system in Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution</p> Sri Ismawati, Alfonsus Hendri Soa, M. Qahar Awaka, Sri Agustriani Elida, Erwin Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2063 Fri, 21 Jul 2023 06:58:12 +0000 Disclosure Of Name Origin Of Sub-District In Palangka Raya City Through Investigating Spoken Literature http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2134 <p>Spoken literature, including Spoken stories, is a national cultural heritage that still has positive values ​​to be developed and utilized in future life, especially in relation to fostering literary appreciation. Spoken literature also has long served as a tool for understanding the idea of ​​inheriting values ​​growing in a society. In fact, Spoken literature has been existing for centuries. Communities or collectives inherit folklore from generation to generation traditionally. There are those who verbally so that the story can be different versions of the story depending on the reader (Danandjaja, 2002: 4). Folklore has the character of spoken story derived from generation to generation through tradition. Other stories relating to the origins of the names of five sub-districts in Palangkaraya City still need further investigation in order to get the whole storyline. The search for the origin names of the village is clearly not an easy matter, because the stories are spokenly from generation to generation. However, this spoken tradition has been gradually lost. Even according to narrators of spoken literature, today, it is rare to find people who still know the storyline of the origin of the names of five sub-districts in Palangkaraya City</p> Fimeir Liadi, Jasiah Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2134 Fri, 21 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Strengthening Sharia Compliance in Islamic Banking Institutions in Indonesia http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2215 <p>Islamic banking is a system that eliminates the interest-based transactions in every financial activity and replaces it with Sharia principles. Sharia compliance is the main differentiator between Islamic and conventional economics. This research employs the library research method, using literature as the primary source of data related to the theme of this paper. The author emphasizes the importance of the presence of Sharia Supervisory Board (DPS) as the authority overseeing Sharia compliance in Islamic banking in Indonesia, with clear responsibilities and roles regulated through strict legal provisions. To enhance the role of DPS, the researcher recommends three aspects: firstly, the need for a more comprehensive standardization of DPS competencies; secondly, the clear regulation of independence issues; and thirdly, the standardization and systematic implementation procedures of Sharia audits at the national level.</p> Sumar`in Asmawi Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2215 Fri, 21 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Physical Training Model Of Brimob Polri: Enhancing Task Performance With Superior Physical Abilities http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2230 <p><em>This research aims to develop an effective training model to enhance the physical fitness of Indonesian National Police Mobile Brigade (BRIMOB) personnel to support their operational tasks optimally. Good physical fitness is crucial for BRIMOB personnel, as they are often confronted with situations that demand agility, endurance, speed, and physical strength. This abstract presents the framework of the training model, which is based on a literature review of the specific physical requirements needed by BRIMOB personnel to carry out their duties. The research methodology involved surveys, interviews, and field observations to understand the needs and challenges faced by BRIMOB personnel in real-life situations. The training model focuses on key aspects such as physical endurance training, speed and agility exercises, and the development of physical strength. Additionally, specialized exercises relevant to BRIMOB's operational tasks are also integrated into the model. The research findings show that the implementation of this training model significantly improves the physical fitness of BRIMOB personnel, resulting in enhanced performance in carrying out tactical tasks. Moreover, the study identifies several key factors that influence the effectiveness of training, including personnel motivation, organizational support, and the use of technology in training. This research contributes significantly to the development of a better and more effective training model for Indonesian National Police Mobile Brigade (BRIMOB) personnel and can be adapted for use in other law enforcement and security units. It is expected that this training model will serve as a guide for decision-making in designing comprehensive and sustainable physical training programs to enhance the readiness and performance of BRIMOB personnel in facing future task challenges.</em></p> Uden Kusuma Wijaya, Firman Dlis, Widiastuti Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2230 Wed, 26 Jul 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Existence Of Boarding Schools In The Aruk Border Area Of West Kalimantan (Study At Muhammad Basiuni Imran Sambas Boarding School) http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2260 <p>Islamic boarding schools as a place for students to study. Mosques, prayer rooms are not only used as places of worship but are also used as places to study for students. The leadership of the Islamic boarding school, also known as the kiai, has full authority over the Islamic boarding school, such as regulations and the education system at the Islamic boarding school as well as regarding the syllabus and learning materials within the Islamic boarding school environment. Muhammad Basiuni Imran Sambas Islamic boarding school is one of the boarding schools located in the border area that needs attention so that it will have an impact on building in the border area. This is certainly one of the efforts to strengthen the defense in the border area. This Islamic boarding school is engaged in the field of education which will introduce new styles and will introduce local wisdom cultures, especially in Sambas Regency, where the distance ranges from + 2 hours.</p> Suhari Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2260 Wed, 02 Aug 2023 03:17:17 +0000 Views of the Panel of Judges About the High Rate of Divorce Claims in Class 1a Religious Courts of Balikpapan http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2267 <p>This research is motivated by the reality that occurs in the city of Balikpapan, where the number of divorce cases has increased every year. Meanwhile, the majority of the population of the city of Balikpapan are Muslims. This type of research is field research with a qualitative descriptive research method on the views of the panel of judges at the Religious Courts on the high rate of divorce claims in Balikpapan. From the results of the study it is known that the cause of the high number of lawsuits for divorce in Balikpapan according to respondents is due to economic problems, disputes and continuous fights, Domestic Violence (KDRT), infidelity, and loss of responsibility which results in an increase in divorce lawsuits every year. Even though the Religious Courts have tried to handle these matters through mediation. The view of the panel of judges at the Religious Courts regarding the high number of divorce cases in Balikpapan, when viewed from Islamic law, should not only be the most dominant cases or cases that have been determined by the Religious courts which can be decided and accepted, there are also cases outside of this. those who deserve to be sued for divorce or termination, such as husbands who are addicted to games, cases of religious norms, and husbands who like to shop for luxury goods, which have a negative impact on their families, wives and children. If viewed from maslahah mursalah related to hifzun nafs, so that the wife can maintain and maintain izzah (honor) as a wife.</p> Muh. Zaim Azhar, Aisyah Mardhatilla Copyright (c) http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2267 Thu, 03 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Building Shadow City: The Social and Cultural Effects of National Capital Relocation on National Unity. http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2271 <p>The relocation of a capital city is a strategic decision that can have significant impacts on the social and cultural aspects of a country. This research will focus on the concept of "building shadow cities" that emerges as an alternative in addressing the relocation of a capital city. In this context, shadow cities refer to the development of new cities that serve as centers of administration and government, supporting the gradual relocation of the capital. This concept is designed to minimize the disruptions that may arise from a direct capital city relocation while maintaining and strengthening national unity. This paper will discuss the socio-cultural impacts of the relocation of a capital city and the implementation of the shadow city concept. The relocation of a capital city has complex impacts on national unity. The socio-cultural effects of the capital city relocation can have positive or negative consequences depending on factors such as the management of national identity, respect for cultural diversity, and public participation in the relocation process. Therefore, it is important for the government and society to actively manage the capital city relocation by considering the potential social and cultural impacts and ensuring that the steps taken aim to strengthen national unity and preserve the cultural diversity of the country. The relocation can impact cultural diversity and interactions among different societal groups in the shadow city. Additionally, aspects of infrastructure and city development will also be taken into consideration. In the context of this research, we will study how the development of shadow cities can create new job opportunities, improve quality of life, and strengthen the local economy. The environmental impacts of the capital city relocation will also be evaluated, with a focus on environmental protection and sustainable efforts in shadow city development. The research will utilize a descriptive qualitative research method aimed at systematically, factually, and accurately portraying the phenomena or relationships under investigation.</p> Vera Susanti, Hardimansyah Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2271 Fri, 30 Jun 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Approach in Early Childhood Education http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2280 <p>This research was conducted to describe the three types of approaches in early childhood education in order to increase knowledge and make it easier to choose the type of approach to be used with children. This research fully uses the type of literature review research or literature study which is based on relevant theories, such as books, journals, articles, and other research that is still being reviewed. Therefore the author takes the journal as a reference so that it can be accounted for. The approaches that will be discussed are the Montessori approach, the high/scope approach, and the Beyond Centers and Circle Time (BCCT) approach. The Montessori approach emphasizes the importance of free and loving environmental conditions for the development of a child's innate potential. The high/scope approach is a type of approach that involves children actively interacting with their surroundings in order to increase their knowledge. Beyond Centers and Circle Time (BCCT) is an approach that places more emphasis on focusing and exploring the child's environment in increasing knowledge.</p> Novi Cahya Dewi, Hadisa Putri Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2280 Mon, 14 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 LAND PROCUREMENT FOR PUBLIC INTEREST AND OBJECTION MEASURES ON COMPENSATION FOR COMMUNITY LAND RIGHTS IN THE CAPITAL TERRITORY OF IBU KOTA NEGARA NUSANTARA http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2320 <p><em>The relocation of the capital of the Republic of Indonesia affects all aspects of life in the Ibu Kota Negara Nusantara (IKN) area, especially in the land sector. Whereas individual community rights, customary rights and other rights which could be renounced for the sake of the aforesaid development. Land regulations related to procurement land for public interest has been regulated in Act No. 2 of 2012 regarding Land Procurement on Development for Public Interest and other concerning regulations that exists both in presidential regulations and ministerial regulations, land acquisition is a legal act carried out between two parties, namely the right holder and the parties who will use the land for development, both in the interests of the State or private companies, whose similar goal is for the public interest, relinquished the legal relation that originally existed between the right holder and his land required, with giving compensation either in the form of money or facilities or otherwise, through the legal procedures in order to relinquish rights in accordance with statutory regulations or deliberations to achieve an agreement. Procurement of land for development in the public interest is carried out through several stages, namely the stages of planning, preparation, implementation and delivery. Land acquisition often intersect with legal issues such as human rights, the principle of justice, the principle of balance between the interests of the state with the interests of society, both individually and in groups, thus arising objections which often also lead to conflict, the community&nbsp; who do not receive the compensation provided can file an objection effort at the eligible court</em></p> Alhadiansyah, Qahar Awaka, Sugeng Susila, Erni Djun`astuti, Chandra Maharani Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2320 Mon, 28 Aug 2023 03:58:31 +0000 Development Of Zakat Management And Collection In Indonesia Era Of Globalization 4.0 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2365 <p>Issuing zakāh (zakat) is an obligation for Muslims who have attained nisab to issue zakat. Zakat has a very noble place in the teachings of Islamic sharia sharia because the existence of zakat is very decisive and mapping in alleviating poverty of Muslims in Indonesia. With the continuous development of the times, until entering the era of globalization 4.0, zakat still exists and continues to exist, and is ingrained in the soul of every pious person. Even in the era of globalization 4.0, technical support further strengthens Sharia Zakat law. This research is a qualitative field research, a field research procedure that produces descriptive data, in the form of written or oral data from people and observed research. In analyzing data, the author uses qualitative data analysis techniques or uses descriptive analysis, which departs from empirical facts or events, then the data is studied and analyzed so that general conclusions and generalizations can be made. Some of the main problems in the management of zakat management in Indonesia are problems related to the organization of zakat collection management and the demlematics of Muslim participation, and the role of methods in zakat management is not at all directed. In providing solutions to zakat management, appropriate designs must be made so that they can be free from obstacles that can disrupt zakat management and correct deficiencies in internal zakat receiving organizations from central to regional management, there must be new breakthroughs, especially in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Prioritize the regulations that have been made and take firm action for those who do not want to issue zakat for Muslim communities who have reached nisab issuing zakat who do not want to issue zakat.</p> Asman, Vera Ayu Oktoviasari Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2365 Mon, 11 Sep 2023 08:58:57 +0000 The Effect Of Postural Control Exercise On Reducing The Risk Of Falls In Improving The Gait And Balance Of The Elderly At Yayasan Batara Hati Mulia Kabupaten Gowa http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2494 <p><em>The elderly is an advanced stage passed in the process of life in every human being which is characterized by a decrease in the ability and function of the body. Elderly people who experience balance disorders are a common problem. The problem that will arise from balance disorders is the risk of falling in the elderly. This study is Quasi Experimental with a pre test and post test control group design, aiming to determine the effect between the provision of tandem walking exercises and elderly gymnastics on reducing the risk of falls in the elderly. This research was conducted at Batara Hati Mulia Foundation, Gowa Regency. The sampling technique in this study is Purposive Sampling, which is the determination of samples of all members of the population used according to inclusion criteria, namely the elderly aged 60 years and over. The number of samples of 20 elderly people was divided into 2 groups, namely 10 elderly in the treatment group who were given postural control exercise and elderly gymnastics and 10 elderly in the control group were given elderly exercises. The measuring instrument used is the Time Up and Go Test (TUG). The results of the study based on paired sample t-test in the treatment and control groups were obtained (p &lt; 0.001) for a decrease in the risk of falling which means there was a significant effect on reducing the risk of falling in the treatment group with a decrease of 6.5 seconds and the control group by 4.8 seconds. Based on the results of the independent t-test for reducing the risk of falling, a value of p &lt;0.001 was obtained, which means that there is a difference in the risk of falling between groups, it can be said that the provision of postural control exercise is better in reducing the risk of falling than the provision of elderly gymnastics. The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of Postural control exercise and Elderly Gymnastics on reducing the risk of falling in the elderly</em></p> Tiar Erawan, Rahmat Nugraha Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2494 Sat, 18 Nov 2023 02:29:07 +0000 THE INFLUENCE OF GREEN FINANCE AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE ON THE PROFITABILITY OF PT BANK BTPN SYARIAH IN THE PERIOD 2018-2022 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2617 <p><em>This study aims to analyze the effect of green finance and financial performance on the profitability of PT Bank BTPN Syariah during the period 2018-2022. Green finance is measured through financial indicators that reflect sustainable financial practices, while financial performance is evaluated using financial ratios such as ROA, BOPO, and NPM. The data used came from the annual and quarterly financial statements of Bank BTPN Syariah as well as data related to green investment. Statistical analysis, including regression and correlation analysis, was used to assess the relationship between the variables. The results showed a positive influence of green finance and financial performance on the profitability of BTPN Syariah Bank. Sustainable finance practices can improve financial performance and, consequently, contribute to bank profitability. The implications of these findings provide valuable insights for Bank BTPN Syariah and other financial institutions interested in strengthening the sustainability dimension in their operations and investment policies. This study contributes to the sustainable finance literature and provides practical insights for stakeholders in the Islamic banking sector. Recommendations focus on strengthening sustainable finance practices and optimizing financial performance to improve profitability, in line with the commitment to green economy principles</em></p> Ardi Goeliling, Ni Nyoman Devi, Ariyani Goeliling, Romansyah Sahabuddin, Arya Pering Arimbawa Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2617 Wed, 16 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Problems of Learning Islamic Religious Education in Public Universities http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2620 <p><em>This study was conducted at a library. Because curriculum modifications are ongoing, Islamic Religious Education (PAI) as a component of the Religious Education course faces ups and downs in content requirements in addition to changes in course nomenclature. The study's findings highlight a number of issues with Islamic religious instruction in public tertiary institutions, including: a minimal credit load (only 2 credits), sustainable learning patterns, Islamic religious education development patterns, Islamic religious educators/lecturers, student behavior that veers from academic values, and campus climate.</em></p> Rubi Awalia, Dede Hidayat, Liansyah Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2620 Thu, 04 Jan 2024 23:52:59 +0000 Strengthening The Religious Dimension Of Pancasila Student Profiles In Learning Islamic Education http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2745 <p>The dimensions of the Pancasila Student Profile in Permendikbud Number 22 of 2020 include; Have faith, fear God Almighty, and have noble character; Global diversity; Worked together; Independent; Critical reasoning; and Creative. The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the religius dimensions Pancasila Student Profile in Islamic Religious Education learning at SMAN 1 PPU. This type of research is qualitative. Data collection was obtained by interview, observation, and documentation. This study obtained the results: 1) Factors influencing implementation; a. Supporting factors: the legal basis for implementing education, giving teachers the opportunity to play a broad role in learning, and school activities related to PAI. b. Obstacle factor; the new curriculum, training on the independent curriculum is not much, there are still few schools that implement the independent curriculum. 2) The strengthening strategy is through intracurricular, cocurricular, and extracurricular. 3) Implementation of the Pancasila Student Profile in PAI Learning at SMAN 1 PPU through the application of each dimension/indicator in every aspect of school activities, both intra-curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular as well as infrastructure and school environments involving all school residents/elements.</p> Nanang Faisol Hadi Copyright (c) 2023 3rd Borneo International Conference on Islamic Higher Education (BICIHE) 2023 http://journal.iaisambas.ac.id/index.php/bicihe/article/view/2745 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0000