This research aims to create a cultural tourism area landscape planning based handicraft industry. It is hoped this planning can improve the comfort and satisfaction of tourists which in turn could impact on increasing public appreciation and preservation of the environment supporting the local nuances and social welfare in rural districts Piantus Sejangkung Sambas in West Kalimantan. This study is limited to landscape planning for cultural tourism with the main commodities of rattan. The planning process includes the preparation of studies, concepts, data collection, analysis, synthesis, and landscape planning cultural tourism area. Data taken the form of primary and secondary data were analyzed descriptively and spatially.
The concept of this project is to create a neighborhood-based cultural tourism handicraft industry with the main commodities of rattan. The concept was developed into the concept of landscape space, circulation, and activities. Space was developed following the existing site conditions, with the creation of supporting facilities for cultural tourism activities, without losing the natural atmosphere that existed at the site so that the expected tourism activities and community life runs beiringan. The space is classified into two, namely the cultural tourism and non-tourism and culture. Circulation network developed at the site should be classified into two, namely the circulation for tourism activities (primary and sekender) and society. Tourist activities that will be developed is the activity in accordance with the existing resources at the site, namely: cultural tours, shopping and nature.
Cultural tourism is a form of travel that will be developed by making rattan as the object and its main attractions. Based on the concept created, planned circulation path includes a reduction of circulating track people and tourists. Vehicle circulation lane only to the reception room, from the reception rooms to the core area of cultural tourism. It aims to maintain the naturalness rustic atmosphere and support cultural tourism activities undertaken. Landscape planning cultural tourism area consists of spatial planning, circulation system, the development of cultural tourism, the type and layout of the facility, as well as tourism carrying capacity.
Key word: Planning, Cultural Tourism Landscape, And Rattan Industri