The role of Islamic education Teachers in Increasing Awareness of Wearing Hijab in SMA Negeri 3 Purwakarta
The background of the problem is that there are still many female students who do not wear the hijab. Due to economic factors the price of a hijab uniform is different from a non-hijab uniform, awareness of wearing the hijab has not arisen yet, they do not understand the obligations of mature women about wearing the hijab. Obligation to wear hijab for baligh women. The aim of the study was to find out the role of the PAI teacher in raising the awareness of SMA Negeri 3 Purwakarta students about the obligation to wear the hijab. Views of female students wearing hijab at school and outside school. Factors that influence female students to choose to wear the hijab or not to wear the hijab. The methodology used is qualitative. research results are presented in narrative form without using statistics. Data obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Test the data through consultation with the lecturer/expert team. to the head of SMAN 3 Purwakarta and the PAI teacher. Perseverance is carried out while in the field. when in the field and discussions with colleagues. (data triangulation). The results of the research on the role of the PAI teacher in increasing the awareness of female students wearing the hijab through PAI lessons, IRMA recitations. OSIS and Liko studies/additional study. Study verses of the Koran and Hadith while wearing a hijab. The opinion of the students that the role of the PAI teacher is very important. there are still students who open the hijab when they come home from school or outside of school, still like fashion, follow friends' dress styles, and are not consistent yet. motivation to istiqomah wearing hijab at school and outside of school. Raise awareness of wearing hijab because of Allah, from the conscience of female students. aware of the obligation because of the commands of Allah and the Prophet.
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