SOUTHEAST ASIA JOURNAL oF GRADUATE OF ISLAMIC BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 2024-08-15T00:16:42+00:00 Purniadi Putra [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p>The SAJGIBE journal publishes and disseminates the results of research and analysis of cross-border sharia economics as sharia economics and economic analysis which have good personality, are broad-minded, and up to date in their fields, and can carry out their duties and obligations . responsibility based on Islamic teachings and ethics, science and profession. Islamic Development Economics, Sharia Business Management, Sharia Finance and Banking, Sharia Accounting, Sharia Tourism, Hajj and Umrah Management, Zakat and Waqf Management, Halal Management, Human Resource Management, and Economics. The <strong>SAJGIBE</strong> journal is published three times a year (<strong>May, September, January</strong>). Articles must be written in English in a peer-reviewed journal, and specialized in Islamic Economics. All papers and research articles submitted to this online journal will be reviewed by a minimum of 2 (two) reviewers. After the author has presented the manuscript through the online submission process, the journal editor screens the manuscript and decides whether or not to submit it for full peer review. Manuscripts are only sent to one or more peer reviewers after completing the initial screening. Finally, the journal editor or editorial board of the journal considers the peer reviewer's report and makes the final decision to accept or reject the manuscript for publication. Accepted research articles will be made available online.</p> Food security strategy National Food Security Strategy To Improve Economic Independence and Competitiveness In The Framework Of National Resilience 2024-08-09T15:42:40+00:00 Dyah Andrianti [email protected] Eva Claudia Boru Lubis [email protected] Kiki Nuridayanti [email protected] Endar Purnawan [email protected] <p>Steps to ensure food security in order to increase economic independence and competitiveness while maintaining national resilience are discussed in this article. Based on a literature review analysis, this study highlights Indonesia's agricultural policies and the country's need to control and develop sustainable food security plans due to its favorable position and wealth of natural resources. This study reveals that despite all the wealth that Indonesia has and the supporting factors that exist, it is not enough to become a strength in national food security. Therefore, to ensure national food security, unique planning and strategies are needed that support independence and healthy competition. Research findings show that sustainable food systems from upstream to downstream can be used to strategically achieve sustainable food security and increase national food supplies. Food independence is then achieved through achieving food diversity, which leads to achieving food security. Overall, the findings of this study underline the importance of supporting industries such as banks, universities, agricultural extension centers as supporting industries in the implementation and success of the national food security strategy.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SOUTHEAST ASIA JOURNAL oF GRADUATE OF ISLAMIC BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Utility Theory And The Concept Of Maslahah In Islamic Economics 2024-08-13T09:35:14+00:00 Yuman Firmansyah [email protected] Abdul Wahab [email protected] Sumar’in [email protected] <p>This article aims to analyze and build an Islamic economic order with noble character based on the Qur'an and Hadith. The emergence of Islamic economics to provide an explanation that the theory of utility has not touched the most basic principles and goals of Muslim consumers, namely in fulfilling their material and non-material needs, it is difficult to distinguish between wants and needs, and cannot avoid excessive behavior. So that this need has not been felt to be met in consumption activities called mashlahah. In Islamic principles, it is emphasized that every activity and every human being in economic activities can be characterized by their ability to do ihsan and fastabiqul khairat, uphold justice and not act arbitrarily, both for themselves and the surrounding environment. The characteristics of utility and maslahah in Islamic economics have characteristics, namely the principles of faith, morals and law (muamalah). This research is a literature research with a thematic method. The concept of utility or satisfaction is very different from the concept of maslahah or usefulness which is the goal in Islamic consumption. The concept of utility is very subject because it departs from the fulfillment of needs that are indeed subject. Meanwhile, the concept of maslahah is relatively more objective because it departs from the fulfillment of desires which is relatively more objective than needs. Within the framework of this theory, Islamic economic principles and activities must be the operational basis of Islamic financial institutions in Indonesia.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SOUTHEAST ASIA JOURNAL oF GRADUATE OF ISLAMIC BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS The Expansion Of The Sambas District Region On The Economic Growth Of Border Communities In A Sharia Economic Perspective (Study of Muslim Communities in the District Sajingan Besar 2024-08-14T15:54:57+00:00 Misni Safari [email protected] Sumar’in [email protected] Wulan Purnamasari [email protected] <p>One of the big&nbsp; problems that must be faced by the nation now is the (disparity) or growth gap (growth) in the regional and socio-economic areas (socio economic) in the border area (mainland) and the outer islands that is&nbsp; a border area with other countries. The backwardness of these border areas compared to non-border regional areas in various matters related to development outcomes and equitable distribution. The objectives of this study were :&nbsp; (1) The Impact of the Regional Expansion of Sambas Regency on the Economic Growth of the Muslim Community in Sajingan Besar District. (2) Islamic economic review of the impact of regional expansion in Sambas Regency in improving the economy of the Muslim community in the Sajingan Besar District. This study used a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis method using field research. The results of this study indicated&nbsp; that the impact of the expansion of the Sambas Regency area on the economic growth of the Muslim community in Sajingan Besar district has three impacts namely :&nbsp; the first is the social impact of the community, both on the economy and education, the second is the impact on public services and the third is the impact on infrastructure. Meanwhile, an Islamic economic review of the impact of regional expansion in Sambas Regency in improving the economy of the Muslim community in Sajingan Besar District The impact of regional expansion in Sajingan Besar District from an Islamic economic perspective shows quite good changes. Islam determines the main functions of the state and government in the economic field, namely eliminating economic difficulties experienced by the people, providing easy access to economic development for all levels of the people and creating prosperity. Meanwhile, Islam considers poverty to be something that can endanger morals, logical thinking, family and society. There are three ways to overcome poverty, namely: 1). increase&nbsp; the real sector and eliminating usury, 2). develop infrastructure development, as well as health and education that become&nbsp; factors in the economic development of welfare and justice (al-adl wal ihsan) and a good living (hayyah thayyibah) for all people, as the goal of Islamic economics&nbsp; to achieve falah that can be&nbsp; realized through mashlahah optimization.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SOUTHEAST ASIA JOURNAL oF GRADUATE OF ISLAMIC BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Islamic Law Review Of Wage Payment Practices At PT. Pundi Agro Makmur, Subah District 2024-08-14T23:14:20+00:00 Eko Pujianto Hakim [email protected] Tehedi [email protected] Nilhakim [email protected] <p><em>This study discusses wage payment practices at PT. Pundi Agro Makmur, Subah District, focusing on two payment methods: bank transfer and cash payment. This study uses a qualitative approach with field research methods and an empirical sociological approach, collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study indicate that wage payments via bank transfer are more efficient and there are no deductions, because the company only needs to provide wage recipient data and employee account numbers. In contrast, cash payments require rounding or deductions due to the difficulty in obtaining denominations below Rp. 1,000. However, the company does not provide information to employees regarding the deductions, and the results of the deductions are returned to the company through the KTU. From an Islamic law perspective, wage payments via bank transfer are permitted because they do not violate sharia. However, cash payments involving deductions without notification to employees are considered inconsistent with Islamic law. In conclusion, wage payment practices at PT. Pundi Agro Makmur need adjustments, especially in the cash payment method to comply with the principles of Islamic law.</em></p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SOUTHEAST ASIA JOURNAL oF GRADUATE OF ISLAMIC BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Practice of Cancellation of Agricultural Land Lease Agreement Unilaterally in Islamic Law in Sejangkung Hamlet Parit Raja Village Sejangkung District 2024-08-15T00:16:42+00:00 Anong Rusda [email protected] Zarul Arifin [email protected] <p>Leasing agricultural land at this time seems to have become a necessity for the community, especially for those who do not have agricultural land to work on. Like what the people of Dusun Sejangkung did, who rented agricultural land to meet their daily needs. Leasing activities carried out by the community do not always run smoothly, sometimes there are several problems that arise during the rental process, one of which is the unilateral cancellation of the rental relationship due to the sale of the leased object by the owner at the time of planting without the knowledge of the tenant. It becomes a big question whether this kind of activity is allowed or not in Islamic law. The purpose of this study was to find out how the practice of unilaterally canceling agricultural land rental relations in Islamic law in Sejangkung Hamlet, Parit Raja Village, Sejangkung District. This type of research uses qualitative research that is field research (Field Research) with empirical sociological research methods, namely examining phenomena that occur in the field related to community behavior and seeing facts that occur in the field, namely in the community in Sejangkung Hamlet. To obtain data, researchers used interview and observation guidelines. Based on the results of the study that the cancellation of the agricultural land lease relationship unilaterally in Islamic law in Sejangkung Hamlet in terms of the pillars of ijarah and the conditions of ijarah have been fulfilled, but from the ijarah principle there are several principles that are not fulfilled, namely the principle of al-is (justice), the principle of al-ta'awun (mutual benefit). The lease agreement can end if there is a justifiable reason that requires the ijarah contract to be cancelled, the end of the agreed ijarah contract and if one of the parties is old.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SOUTHEAST ASIA JOURNAL oF GRADUATE OF ISLAMIC BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS