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Author Guidelines
All Articles published in SAMBAS : (Studi Agama, Masyarakat, Budaya, Adat, Sejarah) Journal of Religious, Community, Culture, Costume, History Studies are open access and have the CC-BY-SA license
The article submitted has never been published and is not being sent to other journals. Author(s) must include Statement of Manuscript Authenticity in the Article submission process. The signed Ethical Statement must be submitted as supplementary files of the initial article submission.
The article was written for SAMBAS : (Studi Agama, Masyarakat, Budaya, Adat, Sejarah) Journal of Religious, Community, Culture, Costume, History Studies includes the article of research results in the field of Islamic Studies, Community Studies, Anthropology, Local, National, and World History, History of Art and Culture, History of Religions, Islamic History, and Historiography.
Article using A4 size paper format (21 x 29.7cm), with a top margin of 2 cm, bottom 2 cm, left 2 cm, right 2 cm.
Article length 3,000 - 9,000 words, without bulleting and numbering.
The article is written in Indonesian or English. Article’s writing adjusts the Author Guidelines.
Systematic articles of research results are title, author's name (accompanied by institutional affiliation and e-mail address), abstract (accompanied by keywords), introduction, results and discussion, conclusion, and references.
The name of the author in the article is listed without an academic degree, accompanied by the name of the institution, e-mail of the author. If the manuscript is written by more than one person, the e-mails listed are only the e-mail of the main author (correspondence author).
The abstract is in the form of a paragraph, consisting of 250 words (maximum), and written in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Use Cambria 12 Italic with one spacing between lines, justified, consists of purpose (contains objectives of the research), method (delivers data collection of the research), results, and impact of the research (refers to collected data as an effort to answer the research question). The number of words should be between 150-250 words, accompanied by 3-5 words keywords
The introduction to the research article contains the background, research context, results of the literature review (State of Art), research objectives, and Method (research design, data sources, data collection techniques, and data analysis). All introductory parts are integrated presented in the form of paragraphs.
Results should summarize or highlight the findings rather than providing detailed research results. Discussion must answer the problems, interprets the research results and the findings into the already known knowledge, confirms and/or contrasts with the research of other researchers, constructs the new theory, and/or modifies the previous theory. Discussion must also contain the implications of both theoretical and implementation results.
The conclusion must be able to answer the research objectives/questions and is presented in paragraph form rather than bullet points.
All texts are reviewed anonymously by double-blind reviewers appointed by the editor based on their area of expertise. The article writer must revise the manuscript based on recommendations/suggestions from reviewers and/or editors.
The reference list only contains the sources referenced in the article, and all sources referenced must be listed in the reference list. The article should use at least 80% of the newest references (not more than 10 years) and consists of (at least) 80% of articles from a scientific journal.
Reference and quotation using Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (Author-Date) reference technique.
The reference list is recommended using reference management tools (Zotero or Mendeley). The reference list is arranged alphabetically referring to Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (Author-Date)
The editorial board authorized to accept, return the manuscript for revision, and/or reject the submitted manuscript.