• Parni Parni Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas
Keywords: Approach, Phenomenology, Islamic Studies


Phenomenology is a flow that discusses phenomena or anything that appears. Phenomenology seeks to reveal how active, social situations and society are a product of human consciousness. This approach undertakes a series of investigations of the meaning of context in a general world view, all of which depend on interpretation. The reduction of confinement to phenomena is a technique for achieving a meaningful theory of the element of consciousness. Phenomenology is a descriptive and introspective analysis of the depth of all forms of consciousness and direct experience which includes sensory, conceptual, moral, aesthetic and religious. Phenomenology is a method which is based systematically on experience and processing understanding. The phenomenological approach is a philosophy that belongs to the category of epistemology. Therefore, "philosophy is always comprehensive (comprehensive). Philosophy seeks to find an explanation of science itself, philosophy seeks the truth about everything and this truth must be stated in its most general form.


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