Trend Of Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy Emipirical Research In Indonesia
This research is motivated by the results of research on Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Indonesia that have not been evaluated. There is also no data available from meta-analysis research that evaluates empirical research on Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to describe the evaluation of Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy research from 2014-2022 based on the google scholar indexer. This study uses a type of content analysis. The results of the content analysis show, namely: 1) empirical research on Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Indonesia has fluctuated, the highest in 2019 n = 4 (35%); 2) the type of manuscript is dominated by, namely Thesis n = 9 (69%); 3) research design and methods used are dominated by qualitative with n = 10 (77%); 4) the trend of Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Indonesia is dominated by social fields, namely n = 7 (59%); 5) The most publishers are dominated by the State Islamic University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya, namely n = 7 and Hisbah: Guidance Counseling Journal n = 2; 6) the majority of authors are dominated by Imas Kania Rahman n = 2. The findings of this study provide direction for future researchers to examine empirical research on Islamic Cognitive Behavior Therapy in the fields of career, marriage and family as well as clinically.
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