Implementation of the Creative Economy Program in Sambas Regency in Supporting the Archipelago's Capital City
This paper aims to describe the implementation of the Creative Economy Program in Sambas Regency in Welcoming the Archipelago's Capital City. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. The research location is at the Office of Cooperatives, SMEs, Industry and Trade, Sambas Regency, Indonesia. The informant in this research is Mr. Musa. The results of the study show that the programs that have been built by the Sambas Regional Government in developing the Creative Economy, include: One Village One Product Program, however, there are several villages that have implemented it and there are also villages that have not implemented/looking for superior products in his own village; Sambas IKM Program (web marketing from DISKUMINDAG); Program from Sambas Regent Tema Sipindu (Community Economic Level Through Integrated Savings and Loans), a kind of collective to help people make loans to open a business; When we already have a brand, the local government provides a facility program that is registered with IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. For example, Locale, CW.
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