The Importance of The Role Parents in Improving Children's Self Regulated Learning: A Literature Review Study
During the Covid-19 pandemic, there were several transition periods, namely from the pandemic to the new normal to normal again which of course will make students bring their study habits due to their conditions and learning environment. This shows that students must adjust learning patterns, adapt to conditions, and choose the right strategy for solving various problems in their learning. The family factor becomes important because of limited social contact, students interact more with family so communication and parental involvement in forming student self-regulated learning is needed. This article aims to examine the importance of parental involvement in achieving self-regulated learning in students. This research method uses a literature review study, which is about how to overcome obstacles to students in the learning process and achieve their self-regulated learning. Participants in this study were junior high school students in Serang City with various genders, ages, classes, living together, and so on. This research collects and analyzes several articles, journals, books, and research reports related to interpersonal communication factors and parental involvement in self-regulated learning. The results of this study recommend that parents take action to facilitate their students or children in providing support to achieve goals in each learning process. This research contributes to parents in improving self-regulated learning in students.
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