Solution or Ambition? Relocating the National Capital to Borneo Island (Juridical Analysis of Eco-Justice Perspective)
Problems and solutions are presented at the same time in the effort to relocate the National Capital to Borneo Island. However, the existence of these solutions has not actually reduced the negative stigma of the community who say that the relocation of the National Capital is the ambition of certain elites because the National Capital Law was passed through a process that was not long and seemed not transparent. The community participation involved is considered ineffective because not all people affected by the rules are involved in the process of the draft law on the National Capital City. Using a normative juridical research method based on various related laws and regulations, several legal materials and literature. The author focuses on the basis for the formation of laws and regulations, the 1945 Constitution, then the solution presented later can be implemented properly or is just an ambition of the government to hasten relocate of the National Capital, and most importantly is a juridical analysis of the Eco-Justice perspective in the formation of the new National Capital in Borneo Island.
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