Overcoming Student Engagement Barriers of E-learning: A Literature Review Study

  • Imtiyaz Fawaida Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Juntika Nurihsan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
  • Tina Hayati Dahlan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Student Engagement, E-learning Barriers, Literature Review, Teacher Skill


The E-learning challenge that teachers frequently confronted as facilitators in the classroom is student engagement. There is a lack of direct engagement between teachers and students, challenges in designing learning instructional materials, and constraints in developing student relationships in virtual environments are challenges that teachers must encounter. This article aims to examine the obstacles experienced by teachers when attempting to facilitate student engagement in e-learning and how to overcome them to enhance the quality of e-learning based on previous studies. This research method uses a literature study on how to overcome barriers to student engagement that can be pursued by teachers from relevant sources. This research collects and analyzes articles, journals, books, and research reports related to the obstacles experienced by teachers in e-learning. The factors analyzed include barriers to student engagement in e-learning, how teachers manage e-learning challenges, and what kinds of abilities must teachers possess to succeed with challenges in e-learning. The results of this study found obstacles in the form of a lack of teacher skills in managing technology and building interaction in the classroom. Efforts to overcome these problems require several skills that must be possessed by teachers, namely: 1) Technological Competency, 2) Design of Learning Materials and Teaching Strategies, 3) Self Efficacy 4) Online Communication and Collaboration. This research recommends that teachers take action to facilitate students and provide constructive feedback to help them achieve learning goals. This research contributes to teachers' efforts to increase student engagement in the context of e-learning.


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