Highlighting the Transfer of the State Capital of Indonesia
Historically, the relocation of the National Capital (IKN) is not a new thing because it was carried out before Indonesia's independence. The relocation of the capital itself requires studies in various fields, including the field of culture. However, studies on cultural aspects are still being carried out, and even cultural elements are not yet included in the points of the IKN Law. Even though the transfer of IKN also means the transfer of culture from immigrants, which is estimated to be 1.5 million in the future, The purpose of this study is to highlight the relocation of the capital city of the State of Indonesia, historical narratives, and cultural struggles. This research is qualitative and a type of library research. The sources used are in the form of books, scientific journals, and websites related to the research title. The results of the study show that efforts to move the capital city have been carried out since the Dutch East Indies era. After independence, efforts to transfer the IKN were also carried out by Indonesian leaders, namely Soekarno, Soeharto, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, and Joko Widodo, for various reasons such as security, economics, geography, demography, and others. The relocation of IKN causes a cultural struggle between local culture and immigrants, which can lead to a new culture and even a culture shock. Therefore, efforts are needed to realize local cultural resilience through regulations and strategic steps. So that in the future local wisdom can run well, even local culture will contribute proportionally to the color of the face of the capital city and be able to coexist harmoniously with the new culture
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