The Dynamics of Investment in the New Capital City (IKN) on the Use of Customary Land Rights (Hak Ulayat) in Legal Perspective
The development plan for the New State Capital (IKN) will have an impact on the use of land or land as a place to build facilities and infrastructure to support the activities of the new capital which will move from the City of Jakarta to the Province of East Kalimantan. In addition to the construction of facilities and infrastructure in the New Capital area, it is possible for investment to enter both from within and outside the country who will invest in the New Capital, where the investment will require land in the form of land. Land in the New State Capital other than land owned by the state will be possible to include customary land or land with customary rights. Ulayat rights are one of the rights recognized by the state even at a level above other lands in the laws and regulations in the agrarian sector. Therefore, even though development is carried out including bringing in investment, the government must still pay attention to the interests of the community, including the interests of indigenous peoples.
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