Anticipating Kalimantan as the New Capital City of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in the Perspective of Legal Politics
Since the announcement of the official transfer of the national capital, many reactions have been shown by various groups of people. One aspect that is urgent to study is the change and readiness of people's lives which are an important part of this transfer process and the development of national law in the future. The development of national law in the future must mark the implementation of laws that are in accordance with the wishes of the community and fulfill the values of change in society so that members of the community can be happy. This study looks at how the community is prepared to welcome the relocation of the state capital to Kalimantan and the development of its national law. The results of this study conclude that the development of national law that wants to prosper and make people happy must prioritize sociological insights into legal politics to be able to explain, organize, predict, and solve problems of social change and their influence on the development of a national legal system in Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution
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