Mathematics is a study that is used as a basic science of various other exact sciences, teaching mathematics is a priority in the development of education and mathematics has an important role because mathematics is a method of logical, critical, creative thinking, order, art, and language as well. Because mathematics is a measure of a person's intelligence or intelligence, many avoid mathematics so that many students choose to do other things that are more fun or important when dealing with mathematics. Feeling anxious, worried, and uncomfortable when dealing with math, or feeling math anxiety. Math anxiety is also associated with academic procrastination to avoid feeling anxious. Procrastination is also one of the causes of a person's delay in completing his studies because individuals choose to do other things that are more enjoyable. Academic procrastination is a person's tendency to procrastinate with illogical reasons. Many of the students do academic procrastination while working on their thesis or final assignment so that these students are late in completing their studies. There are factors that can influence the occurrence of math anxiety and academic procrastination, namely good self-control in final semester students who are working on their thesis or final assignment. This study aims to analyze self-control as a variable that moderates the effect of math anxiety on academic procrastination in students of UPI mechanical engineering education. This research method uses a literature review report presentation system.
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