The Existence Of Boarding Schools In The Aruk Border Area Of West Kalimantan (Study At Muhammad Basiuni Imran Sambas Boarding School)
Islamic boarding schools as a place for students to study. Mosques, prayer rooms are not only used as places of worship but are also used as places to study for students. The leadership of the Islamic boarding school, also known as the kiai, has full authority over the Islamic boarding school, such as regulations and the education system at the Islamic boarding school as well as regarding the syllabus and learning materials within the Islamic boarding school environment. Muhammad Basiuni Imran Sambas Islamic boarding school is one of the boarding schools located in the border area that needs attention so that it will have an impact on building in the border area. This is certainly one of the efforts to strengthen the defense in the border area. This Islamic boarding school is engaged in the field of education which will introduce new styles and will introduce local wisdom cultures, especially in Sambas Regency, where the distance ranges from + 2 hours.
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