Views of the Panel of Judges About the High Rate of Divorce Claims in Class 1a Religious Courts of Balikpapan
This research is motivated by the reality that occurs in the city of Balikpapan, where the number of divorce cases has increased every year. Meanwhile, the majority of the population of the city of Balikpapan are Muslims. This type of research is field research with a qualitative descriptive research method on the views of the panel of judges at the Religious Courts on the high rate of divorce claims in Balikpapan. From the results of the study it is known that the cause of the high number of lawsuits for divorce in Balikpapan according to respondents is due to economic problems, disputes and continuous fights, Domestic Violence (KDRT), infidelity, and loss of responsibility which results in an increase in divorce lawsuits every year. Even though the Religious Courts have tried to handle these matters through mediation. The view of the panel of judges at the Religious Courts regarding the high number of divorce cases in Balikpapan, when viewed from Islamic law, should not only be the most dominant cases or cases that have been determined by the Religious courts which can be decided and accepted, there are also cases outside of this. those who deserve to be sued for divorce or termination, such as husbands who are addicted to games, cases of religious norms, and husbands who like to shop for luxury goods, which have a negative impact on their families, wives and children. If viewed from maslahah mursalah related to hifzun nafs, so that the wife can maintain and maintain izzah (honor) as a wife.
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