Building Shadow City: The Social and Cultural Effects of National Capital Relocation on National Unity.
The relocation of a capital city is a strategic decision that can have significant impacts on the social and cultural aspects of a country. This research will focus on the concept of "building shadow cities" that emerges as an alternative in addressing the relocation of a capital city. In this context, shadow cities refer to the development of new cities that serve as centers of administration and government, supporting the gradual relocation of the capital. This concept is designed to minimize the disruptions that may arise from a direct capital city relocation while maintaining and strengthening national unity. This paper will discuss the socio-cultural impacts of the relocation of a capital city and the implementation of the shadow city concept. The relocation of a capital city has complex impacts on national unity. The socio-cultural effects of the capital city relocation can have positive or negative consequences depending on factors such as the management of national identity, respect for cultural diversity, and public participation in the relocation process. Therefore, it is important for the government and society to actively manage the capital city relocation by considering the potential social and cultural impacts and ensuring that the steps taken aim to strengthen national unity and preserve the cultural diversity of the country. The relocation can impact cultural diversity and interactions among different societal groups in the shadow city. Additionally, aspects of infrastructure and city development will also be taken into consideration. In the context of this research, we will study how the development of shadow cities can create new job opportunities, improve quality of life, and strengthen the local economy. The environmental impacts of the capital city relocation will also be evaluated, with a focus on environmental protection and sustainable efforts in shadow city development. The research will utilize a descriptive qualitative research method aimed at systematically, factually, and accurately portraying the phenomena or relationships under investigation.
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