Borneo : Journal of Islamic Studies <p>Borneo: Journal of Islamic Studies published by Islamic Institut of Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas which covers the research of scholars, academics, and researchers related to Islamic studies and related issues. Borneo: Journal of Islamic Studies publishes articles twice a year: January-June and July-December. The scope of the journal includes Islamic education, Islamic law, Islamic philosophy, theology, social religion, Islamic history, and civilization. The editorial team invites the researchers to publish the results of their original research through a review process. For further information, please contact the editorial team. The submitted manuscript will be reviewed initially by the editor-in-chief and section editors. If the scope of the manuscript is related to the scope of Borneo: Journal of Islamic Studies, the editor will assign it to the reviewer (blind review process). The reviewed manuscript will be returned to the author for revision if needed.</p> Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas en-US Borneo : Journal of Islamic Studies 2774-7255 PENAFSIRAN AMINA WADUD PERSPEKTIF KESETARAAN GENDER TERHADAP AL-QUR’AN SURAH AL-NISA’ AYAT 34 <p>The aim of this research is to analyze Amina Wadud's interpretation of women's leadership from a gender equality perspective in Q.S. al-Nisa's verse 34. Women are always a problem that is influenced by the interpreter's subjectivity in interpreting verses of the Koran. So women are left behind and always put second. This is caused by the existence of a patriarchal culture, which considers men's roles to be more influential than women's roles. Q.S. al-Nisa's verse 34 is Amina Wadud's argument for allowing women to become leaders. This research uses a type of library research with qualitative methods. There are two data sources in this research, namely, primary and secondary data sources. The primary data sources in this research are the Qur'an and Women and Inside the Gender by Amina Wadud, while the secondary data are books, journals, theses, and articles related to this research. Apart from that, the data collection technique in this research uses library research. The data analysis technique used is the descriptive-analytical technique. The results of this research are first the meaning of women's leadership in Q.S. al-Nisa's verse 34 regarding the context of the household, which states that men are capable of protecting, guarding, and leading. Meanwhile, women's leadership in this case is only as a makmum and obeying their husband's orders. Second, the urgency of women's leadership is very necessary for the progress and development of the nation because it can create healthier and more egalitarian organizations so as to produce comprehensive decisions. Third, Amina Wadud's interpretation of women's leadership in Q.S. al-Nisa's verse 34 from the perspective of gender equality is that this verse is functional, meaning that male leadership only provides a living. However, if he is unable to do this, the qiwwamah within a man will be lost. The meaning of the verse will change according to existing conditions.</p> Zulpiana Zulpiana Hamnah Hamnah Maulana Maulana Copyright (c) 2024 Borneo : Journal of Islamic Studies 2024-06-01 2024-06-01 4 2 70 84 10.37567/borneo.v4i2.2782 AGAMA, MEDIA, DAN MASYARAKAT DI ERA DIGITAL <p>In the digital age, digital media, particularly the internet and social media, have significantly changed the landscape of communication and social interaction. The ease of access to information, the ability to participate in discussions, and the formation of virtual communities are some of the positive impacts of this technological development. In addition, digital technology shapes worship practices and enhances communication and connectivity among individuals. The role of digital technology brings a variety of benefits in terms of access to information and social interaction. It is important to continue to pay attention to and ensure that the use of digital technology is responsible and provides benefits to society as a whole. This research examines the correlation between religion, mass media, and society. The research results showed that the correlation between technological progress, especially mass media, and human life has both good and bad sides. Mass media plays an important role in spreading religious messages and increasing public understanding, but it can also have negative impacts, such as the spread of false information. It is important to use mass media wisely and monitor them to minimize their negative impacts.</p> Putri Andriyana Bob Adrian Copyright (c) 2024 Borneo : Journal of Islamic Studies 2024-06-03 2024-06-03 4 2 85 95 10.37567/borneo.v4i2.2810 PEMAKNAAN AYAT MENURUT HARUN NASUTION DALAM BUKU ISLAM DITINJAU DARI BERBAGAI ASPEKNYA <p>Harun Nasution is a Muslim scholar who was able to change the exclusive perspective of Islam to an inclusive one, as evidenced by the market acceptance of the book "Islam Ditinjau dari Berbagai Aspeknya." In this book, the author interprets numerous verses from the Qur'an to address the socio-religious issues of the time, despite not having a background in interpretation. Instead, the author is a scholar who favors more fundamental philosophical thinking. The goal of this study is to interpret the meaning of the Koranic verses found in Islamic books from a variety of perspectives. This research is based on the literature and employs qualitative methods. The book "Islam Ditinjau dari Berbagai Aspeknya" serves as the primary data source for this study, with secondary data sourced from relevant books, journals, theses, and other scientific articles. The data collection technique was carried out by making a general mapping of the verses used in the book and analyzing the meaning of the verses used by Harun Nasution using the bil ma'tsur method. The study's results reveal that Harun Nasution employs a variety of textual and historical perspectives in his discussions, as evidenced by his interpretation of verses from the Koran in his works. The verse's contextualization does not entirely align with the original text's meaning. In addition, he employs a variety of philosophical approaches in his interpretation, as demonstrated in the text. To elucidate the verses of the Koran on this theme, he references the perspectives of Sufism</p> Riki Humaidi Alkadri Alkadri Sunandar Sunandar Copyright (c) 2024 Borneo : Journal of Islamic Studies 2024-06-10 2024-06-10 4 2 96 117 10.37567/borneo.v4i2.2738 TASAWUF TUMBUH DI NEGERI SINGA <p>Singapore, as an Islamic minority country, was once the center for the development of Islamic scholarship in Southeast Asia. Singapore's position as a center for international trade and commerce has encouraged scientific transmigration from the Middle East to the archipelago, which was spearheaded by traders and Sufis. This serves as the foundation for the presence of Sufism in Singapore. This study aims to explain the history of Islam in Singapore and the development of Sufism there. The approach used in this research is qualitative. The process begins with gathering data and sources pertinent to the conversation. The obtained data and sources undergo verification, which involves review, comparison, and analysis. Once the correct results are obtained, the final stage of the data analysis is documented in written form. According to the study's findings, it is very likely that the arrival of Islam in Singapore occurred from the 8th to the 11th centuries, brought by traders from Arabia. When the Malacca Sultanate controlled Temasik in the 15th century, Islam experienced rapid development. In Singapore, Sufism-style Islam emerged. Despite experiencing ups and downs, the teachings of Sufism are still part of the Islamic tradition in Singapore. As a result, Islam, as a minority religion, was able to survive until it finally had various legitimate institutions in the Singapore government.</p> Nilma Yola Diah Putranti Rahmaning Tiyas Copyright (c) 2024 Borneo : Journal of Islamic Studies 2024-06-14 2024-06-14 4 2 118 128 10.37567/borneo.v4i2.2816 KARYA-KARYA KITAB ULAMA DI PONDOK PESANTREN SEBERANG KOTA JAMBI <p>This research examines the books written by Islamic scholars in Islamic boarding schools throughout Jambi City, which serve as teaching materials for efforts to preserve the nation's cultural heritage. We conduct field research using historical methods. This study can be presented with data obtained through field research. According to the data collection, quite a few Ulama works have been discovered. The Pondok communThe Pondok community demonstrates a strong commitment to safeguarding these works, as evidenced by their continued preservation of the ulama's originTo date, some of these works have been reprinted for study and distribution.</p> Alif Puji Rahayu Hendra Gunawan Rahyu Zami Copyright (c) 2024 Borneo : Journal of Islamic Studies 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 4 2 129 139 10.37567/borneo.v4i2.2830 ANALISIS FATWA DSN-MUI NO. 25/DSN-MUI/III/2002 TENTANG RAHN TERHADAP PRAKTIK PEGADAIAN SEPEDA MOTOR <p>This research was motivated by researchers suspecting that there was a discrepancy between the MUI DSN Fatwa Number 25 of 2002 concerning Rahn and the practice of motorbike pawning carried out by the people of Lumbang Village, Sambas District. This is because there is use of pawned goods and re-pawning to third parties which is not in accordance with Islamic law. The focus of this research problem is: first, what is the practice of motorbike pawning in Lumbang Village, Sambas District. Second, what is the analysis of DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 25/DSN-MUI/III/2002 Regarding Rahn regarding the practice of motorbike pawning in Lumbang Village, Sambas District. This research generally aims to determine the practice of motorbike pawnshops in Lumbang Village, Sambas District. and specifically to review how the analysis of DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 25/DSN-MUI/III/2002 Regarding Rahn regarding the practice of motorbike pawning in Lumbang Village, Sambas District. This type of research is qualitative-descriptive research, with a normative-empirical approach, which is used to analyze or find out to what extent regulations or laws and laws are operating effectively. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation, based on primary data sources, namely pawnshops, recipients of pawned goods and holders of pawned goods who practice motorbike pawning in Lumbang Village, Sambas District and the secondary data source in this research is the DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 25/DSN-MUI/III/2002 Regarding Rahn. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the practice of motorbike pawning in Lumbang Village, Sambas District does not comply with the provisions in DSN-MUI Fatwa No. 25/DSN-MUI/III/2002 Regarding Rahn. This is due to additional costs, there are two types of additional costs charged to Rahin. First, Rahin must pay interest of 5% / 6 months on the pawn debt if Rahin is late in paying the pawn debt. Second, Rahin was charged interest of Rp. 200,000/month until he is able to pay off his debt. Based on this, the practice of motorbike pawning carried out by the community in Lumbang Village contains elements of usury. As is known, in Islam debts cannot increase or have interest, because if the debt is an interest-bearing debt then the agreement is already an agreement containing elements of usury, whereas this act of usury is prohibited in Islam.</p> Robin Robin Nilhakim Nilhakim Miswinda Miswinda Copyright (c) 2024 Borneo : Journal of Islamic Studies 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 4 2 140 157 10.37567/borneo.v4i2.2851