Journal History

Jurnal SAMBAS : (Studi Agama, Masyarakat, Budaya, Adat, Sejarah) Journal of Religious, Community, Culture, Costume, History Studies is an academic journal that emphasizes actual issues relating to the Religious, Community, Culture, Costume, History Studies. Jurnal SAMBAS : (Studi Agama, Masyarakat, Budaya, Adat, Sejarah) Journal of Religious, Community, Culture, Costume, History Studies focuses on several topics including 1) Islamic Studies, 2) Community Studies, 3) Anthropology, 4) Local, National, and World History, 5) History of Art and Culture 6) History of Religions, 7) Islamic History, and 8) Historiography.

Milestones Sambas:


  • .......... editorial board as Editor In Chief
  • The editorial team was formed for the first time
  • Changes in the composition of the editorial board of Aris Aprianto as Editor In Chief
  • First published Volume 1 number 1
  • Received P-ISSN from LIPI
  • Changes in the composition of the editorial board of Syarifah Hasanah as Editor In Chief


  • Received E-ISSN from LIPI
  • Changes in the composition of Jaelani editorial board as Editor In Chief



  • Change in the composition of Halim Setiawan board as Editor In Chief
  • Using Zotero or Mandalay as a reference management application
  • Indexed Crossref
  • Indexed Index Copernicus
  • Indexed Moraref