• Fitriani fitriani Badan Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Sambas
Keywords: History, Development, Tanjidor Music


This research is motivated by the presence of Tanjidor music art, which always exists in Pendawan Village. However, there is a lack of data regarding the history of Tanjidor music, especially Tanjidor music in Sambas in general and in Pendawan Village in particular, and there is no information available about the development of Tanjidor music in the village. Some of these points are very interesting to study. This research is descriptive-qualitative with the type of field research (field research). The data collection method is through historical methods, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The results of this research show that the history of the arrival of Tanjidor music in Sambas, including in Pendawan Village, can be linked to the arrival of foreign nations (Protugis, British, VOC, and Islamic traders) in Sambas. In its development, this music has become a favorite in Sambas in general since the 1970s and 1980s. Then, in 1998, there was conflict within the Pendawan Village music group, and in 1999, the group was disbanded. However, Tanjidor music is still used at weddings in Pendawan Village. In 2004, the use of Tanjodor music in Sambas became increasingly lively to enliven the Sambas Malay wedding celebrations. 2015 was a phase of the restoration of arts and culture in Sambas Regency. Several factors driving the existence of Tanjidor music in Pendawan Village in particular and in Sambas in general are the open attitude of the Sambas community, the development of science and technology, the support of the community and arts and culture figures, as well as the Sambas Regency Regional Government.


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