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Jurnal SAMBAS: (Studi Agama, Masyarakat, Budaya, Adat, Sejarah) Journal of Religious, Community, Culture, Costume, History Studies published twice a year (January and July). Jurnal SAMBAS: (Studi Agama, Masyarakat, Budaya, Adat, Sejarah) Journal of Religious, Community, Culture, Costume, History Studies is published by the faculty of the da'wah and humanities institute of the Islamic religion of the Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas. Registered in LIPI based on SK no. 0005.26151936/JI.3.1/SK.ISSN/2018.02 - 22 Februari 2018 mulai edisi Vol. 1, No. 1, Februari 2018 (print version) by number P-ISSN 2615-1936. While the online version SK no. 0005.27744191/ K.4/SK.ISSN/2021.01 - 19 Januari 2021, mulai edisi Volume 3, Nomor 2, Oktober 2020-Maret 2021 with number E-ISSN 2774-4191.
Jurnal SAMBAS: (Studi Agama, Masyarakat, Budaya, Adat, Sejarah) Journal of Religious, Community, Culture, Costume, History Studies is an academic journal that emphasizes actual issues relating to the Religious, Community, Culture, Costume, History Studies. Jurnal SAMBAS : (Studi Agama, Masyarakat, Budaya, Adat, Sejarah) Journal of Religious, Community, Culture, Costume, History Studies focuses on several topics including 1) Islamic Studies, 2) Community Studies, 3) Anthropology, 4) Local, National, and World History, 5) History of Art and Culture 6) History of Religions, 7) Islamic History, and 8) Historiography.
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