• Saputra Saputra Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas
  • Sabari Sabari Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas
Keywords: Method, Da'wah, Ustadz Darwadi


This research is motivated by the dynamics of da'wah, especially in Sambas Regency, which is a border area of Indonesia. From these various dynamics, there is a da'i who is active in da'wah in Sambas Regency, namely Ustadz Darwadi. This research was conducted to explain Ustadz Darwadi's preaching method in Sambas Regency. The aim of this research is to find out the methods of bil verbal, bil kitābah, and bil hāl da'wah used by Ustadz Darwadi in Sambas Regency. This research uses qualitative research methods with a descriptive approach. The results of the research show that: 1) The form of Ustadz Darwadi's oral preaching is divided into two groups, namely, groups (jamā'ah) in the form of lectures at the commemoration of Islamic holidays, Friday sermons, Eid al-Fitr, and Eid al-Adha, as well as special studies such as thematic studies, youth, tahsin, and Sirah Nabawiyah. Then form fardῑyah with advice and guidance to individuals. 2) Ustadz Darwadi's form of da'wah bil kitābah is by writing in al-'Ulum bulletins, sermon texts, and articles on social media, both personal social media accounts and jointly managed social media such as the Dakwah News Facebook account. 3) Ustadz Darwadi's form of bil hāl includes community empowerment such as distribution of social assistance, management of educational institutions from TPQ, kindergarten, elementary school, Islamic Boarding School, and ADI Sambas, as well as economic empowerment through da'i business capital programs, such as goat farming for da'i in Galing District. Da'wah bil hāl is the most effective method of da'wah because the da'wah message is directly exemplified by the da'i to the mad'u.


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