• Jaelani Jaelani Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas
Keywords: History, Science, Art


History as a comprehensive actualization of the past will be able to revive the spirit of struggle to defend shared values if it is written well, showing the scientific and beautiful sides at the same time. History is written as a story and still maintains the beauty of its language, even though it is assembled from sources that have gone through scientific processing. Therefore, this study discusses historicism as a study of science and art. The aim is to explain the characteristics of history as science and art and the differences between history as science and art. The results of the study show that the characteristics of history as a science are that it is empirical, has an object, has a theory, has generalizations, and has a method. Meanwhile, history as an art has characteristics, namely: history requires intuition, requires imagination, and requires language style. Furthermore, the difference between history as a science and art is that history as a science prioritizes a rational, empirical, and temporary nature. However, history can also use literary works as sources so that they can help with interpretation and imagination.

Author Biography

Jaelani Jaelani, Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas

Sejarah dan Kebudayaan Islam


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