The Effect of Competence, Time Budget Pressure, Integrity, Professional Skepticism of Auditors, on Audit Quality with Workload as a Moderation Variable in Detecting Fraud (A conceptual framework of research)

  • Mohamad Abdul Radjak Masjhur Universitas Islam Indonesia
Keywords: Fraud, Audit Quality, Professional Skepticism, Theory Agency


Audit quality refers to the likelihood and realism of the auditor's identification and reporting of fraud in the accounting system, as well as the extent to which such findings or fraud are reported in the audit report, and the quality of the financial statements is highly expected and reliable. This study aims to develop a research model on fraud on the Effect of Competence, Time Budget Pressure, Integrity, Professional Skepticism of Auditors, on Audit Quality with Workload as a Moderation Variable in Detecting Fraud. This research uses a conceptual model, which analyzes and observes all information relevant to the research topic. The conceptual structure of the study includes a combination of researchers and previous studies of current phenomena. The conceptual model of this research is expected to be a new idea used by government agencies, especially to improve audit quality, to prevent potential fraud.


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