Literature Review Social Interaction Skills of Autistic Children in Inclusive School
Autistic children generally have three main disorders, namely in social interaction, communication disorders, and their behavior disorders. So, schools with inclusive education are considered as a good solution to overcome the disorders that exist in children with autism. This study was conducted by analyzing articles that had been published from 2015 to 2021 and obtained from Google Scholar, with a focus on the social interaction skills of autistic children in inclusive schools. All articles used qualitative design with descriptive and case studies methods. Four of the five articles chose elementary school children as research subjects and one article on early childhood subjects. The results of the articles show that autistic children are already able to carry out communication and social interaction and even compete, both with peers, parents and teachers. The interactions are carried out in the form of positive and negative interactions. However, autistic children still have limitations in social interaction and still in the passive or minimal category. Recommendations from this study for the parents to be able to expand children's interactions with the surrounding environment. As for the school, especially teachers, they should be able to provide more stimulus for autistic children so that their social interactions are better and increase. Still and all, autistic children still have limitations in social interaction and are still in the passive or minimal category.
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