The Creativity of Teachers in Implementing Learning Activities at Pesantren-Based Junior High School

  • Salman Alfarisi Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: Teacher’s Creativity, Creative Process, Learning, Islamic Boarding School


Having multitude of activities amidst of demanding schedule is probably inevitable by students who attend Islamic Boarding Schools (Pesantren). This is due to the distinctive cultural environment of pesantren, where students engage not only in general studies but also in Islamic subjects. Encountering various psychological condition such as mental exhaustion, even fluctuating motivation, is a common occurrence. As a result, to be a creative genius is necessary for teachers in order to address the challenge while effectively incorporating Islamic values within a creative learning environment. This research employed a qualitative, utilizing a case study research design. This particular case study aimed to explore and describe the creative process undertaken by teachers addressing various learning challenges within a pesantren-based school setting. Teachers from different subjects are involved as the participants. Exploration and collection for information involved conducting interviews and observations. The findings of this study outline the four stages of teacher’s creative thinking process when conducting learning activities in a pesantren-based school. These stages are as follows: (1) preparation, which involves creating lesson plans; (2) incubation, where teachers engage in observation, diversion, and contemplation; (3) illumination, characterized by moments of unexpected inspiration and ideas; and (4) verification, when teachers express their creativity by incorporating the inspiration and ideas into actual learning activities. These four stages represent the teachers' creative efforts in conducting learning activities in a pesantren-based school, with the aim of achieving a balanced learning outcome that encompasses practical application (amaliya) of knowledge (ilmiya) in students' daily lives.


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