Hifdzul Bi'ah in the Development Map of Indonesian New Capital City

  • Yusuf STIS Syarif Abudrrahman Pontianak, Indonesia
  • Waskur STIS Syarif Abudrrahman Pontianak, Indonesia
Keywords: fiqhul bi'ah, development of the National Capital, environmental damage


The construction of the New Capital City of the Republic of Indonesia is an interesting topic to discuss. Given the increasing population density and increasingly complex environmental problems, relocating the capital is an option worth considering. The plan to move the national capital to Central Kalimantan has been launched by President Joko Widodo in 2019 and is a major project in the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). Several academic documents and manuscripts, with various dimensions and points of view, have been created in response and contribution to the project of relocating the capital of this country. Starting from a historical, juridical, socio-anthropological point of view, even to a mystical point of view. In Islamic law, some academics have also studied it from the aspect of maslahah and maqashid shari'ah. This study tries to answer and uncover the role of Islamic law in Fiqhul Bi'ah towards the development of the National Capital. This perspective and approach is considered important because the relocation of the capital city also has the potential for significant environmental damage. This fiqhul bi'ah perspective is also important so that the development of the country's capital city does not ignore religious or religious dimensions, therefore the Fiqhul bi'ah point of view needs to be used as social control.  Because this research is library research, researchers use the descriptive study method of analysis (dirasah washfiyyah tahliliyyah) by looking at some phenomena that arise from the development of the National Capital and studying it in the perspective of fiqhul bi'ah.


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