Exploring The Antecedents of Cash Waqf Giving Behavior; The Empirical Study in West Kalimantan, Indonesia

  • Muhammad Khairul Anwari Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak, Indonesia
  • Doddy Primayudia Universitas Muhammadiyah Pontianak, Indonesia
Keywords: Knowledge; Islamic Religiousity; Self Efficacy; Green Subjective Norms; Cash Waqf Giving Behavior


West Kalimantan's waqf development is less satisfactory. This is evident from the fact that this province occupies the 21st position out of 34 provinces based on the National Waqf Index (IWN). Therefore, the study seeks to discover how variables such as knowledge, Islamic religiosity, and self-efficacy influence cash waqf-giving behavior, moderated by green subjective norms. A self-managed questionnaire was used to collect primary data from 383 different types of respondents. Then, the data was deployed by constructing structural equation modeling (SEM) to verify the determinant factors that influence the use of cash waqf instruments. It is discovered that the entire set of antecedents has a significant impact on explaining cash waqf-giving behavior. Furthermore, the influence of green subjective norms on cash waqf giving behavior has the highest coefficient of regression, implying that Nazir must use influential people both within the family and in the larger community to promote cash waqf so that people are willing to donate their wealth in cash waqf in the end.This study also provides a new perspective on how the social psychological aspect is important to improving the cash waqf fundraising strategy and, as a result, will increase the ranking of IWN West Kalimantan.


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