• M. Tri Ramdhani Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya, Indonesia
  • Ariyadi Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya, Indonesia
Keywords: Adiwiyata, Collaboration, Government, Education, Environmental Conservation


This research departs from an area located in Central Kalimantan is one part of the Dayak tribe, there is a difference between local knowledge and local wisdom. A person is said to have local knowledge due to experiencing so that he learns and finally has an understanding of natural phenomena traditionally, known as traditional knowledge (Sillitoe 2012). One of the provincial government programs in Central Kalimantan is adiwiyata school as a forum to foster community love for the environment and the environment, especially for children in school period. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and preserve local wisdom that develops in the local community, namely based on adiwiyata schools as one of the environmental preserves in Central Kalimantan. Based on this, we researched about the Adiwiyata of Government Collaboration and Education in Environmental Conservation in Central Kalimantan.

This research is field research, this type of research is environmental education. With interview data collection techniques and documentation. This study describes or describes the conditions that exist in the field.

Results of this study: a. The wisdom of the Dayak community in preserving the environment in Central Kalimantan, we can see this from SMAN 2 Katingan Hilir and SDN 4 Kasongan Lama in protecting the environment and practicing the values of local wisdom, in this case adiwiyata schools. b. The role of the Katingan Regency government in environmental conservation in Central Kalimantan encourages the creation of adiwiyata schools.


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