Analysis of Consumption Behavior of Students of SMP Negeri 1 Ketungau Tengah from a Sharia Economic Perspective

  • Irfan Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas
  • Zarul Arifin Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, Indonesia
  • Purniadi Putra Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas, Indonesia
Keywords: Consumption, Consumption Theory in Islam


Islamic studies on consumption are very important, so that someone is careful in using wealth or shopping. A country may have abundant wealth, but if that wealth is not regulated properly and its benefits are measured, then welfare will fail. So the most important thing in this case is how to use it which must be directed at choices (preferences) that contain maslahah (good and useful), so that wealth is used in the best way for the prosperity and benefit of individuals, society and the people as a whole. The desire to fulfill the necessities of life is a human instinct. Since birth, humans have shown a desire to fulfill their needs in various ways, for example by crying to show that a baby is hungry and wants to drink milk from his mother. The bigger and finally mature, the desires and needs of a human being will continue to increase and reach a peak at a certain age and then decline until someone dies. In carrying out consumption activities, Islam is present as a concept of life that regulates how consumption patterns are in accordance with Islamic law, because consumption activities in the view of Islam are part of worship, not just the fulfillment of life


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