Peer Review Process
The stages of the peer review Process are as follows:
- The editor-in-chief will screen the eligibility of the manuscripts according to the scope, novelty, and format of the applicable writing.
- The editor-in-chief will screen the similarity of the manuscript and make sure that it is under 35% similarity.
- There is most possibility that the editor-in-chief will review the manuscript to provide important notes
- Manuscripts that have passed the screening from the editor-in-chief will be sent to a section editor
- The assigned section editor will review the manuscript for its writing template, state-of-the-art, up-to-date references, and clarity of research methodology.
- The assigned section editor will send the manuscript to 1 or 2 reviewers with their expertise
- The manuscript will be in the hands of the reviewers no later than 2 weeks after submission, and the review process lasts for 2 - 4 weeks.
- The assigned reviewers will review the manuscript and provide significant notes regarding theoretical suitability, data validity, research methodology, accuracy of analysis, important findings, the scientific strength of the findings, and accuracy of drawing conclusions.
- The principle of the review process adopted is double-blind peer review, which means that the editorial team tries so that the reviewers do not know the author of the manuscript being reviewed/examined (the author's identity is hidden by the editor), and vice versa.
- After review, the author makes revisions according to the editor's and reviewers’s suggestions and notes
- The revisions that do not comply with the reviewer's and editor's directions will be returned to the author for correction
- Manuscripts that have passed the review and are accepted after revision will go through the copyediting
- The copyeditor(s) will check the whole manuscript to make sure that the content is clear to read, has no vagueness, and that the figure and table displayed are appropriate.
- There is a possibility that the copyeditor(s) will give important notes if something is not clearly stated in the manuscript
- The final editing manuscript is scheduled for publication by the editors, the authors will receive notification and are entitled to receive a letter of acceptance (LoA)