The purpose of this study was to determine the treatment of village midwives in assisting the delivery process in Kaliampuk Hamlet, Samustida Village, to determine the community's view of assistance in the delivery process, and to determine the factors that influence village midwives in assisting the delivery process. This research is field research. This type of research is qualitative using a descriptive-analytical method. The approach used is a sociological approach and an anthropological approach. The method used in this study is a historical research method that includes four stages, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The results of the study prove that there are three conclusions to this study. The first conclusion is that the village midwife's method of assisting the delivery process in Kaliampuk Hamlet covers two periods, namely pre-delivery and post-delivery. The methods used in pre-delivery include: preparing tools and materials, sprinkling salt water around the house of the mother who gave birth and storing the pickaxe under the place where the mother gave birth. Meanwhile, in the post-delivery period, the village midwife cares for the newborn and cares for the mother. Newborn care includes: removing the baby's umbilical cord, bathing the baby using reject water, Islamizing the baby, and cleaning the placenta. Care for the mother, namely, massaging the mother after giving birth and giving postpartum water to the baby's mother. The development of technology also affects the village midwife. Through a collaborative program between medical midwives and village midwives, there has been a change in the mindset about the importance of health, the change in the tools used by village midwives, namely the baby umbilical cord cutting tool, which at first still uses a scissor, now uses scissors.
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Wawancara dengan Beti selaku bidan Desa Samustida. tanggal 14 September 2018, pukul 19.20 WIB di rumah Beti.
Wawancara dengan Fauzan Soni tanggal 20-02-2018, pukul 19.40 Wib.
Wawancara dengan Habibah selaku bidan kampung di Dusun Kaliampuk Desa Samustida, tanggal 2 Februari 2018.
Wawancara dengan Habibah selaku bidan kampung di Dusun Kaliampuk Desa Samustida, tanggal 10 Februari 2018.
Wawancara dengan Jusrah selaku masyarakat asli Dusun Kaliampuk yang pernah menggunakan jasa bidan kampung, tanggal 15 September 2018 pukul 07.00 WIB di rumah Jusrah.
Wawancara dengan Nurika selaku bidan medis Desa Samustida pada tanggal 22 Juli 2018 pukul 16.00 WIB.
Wawancara dengan Nurika selaku bidan medis Desa Samustida pada tanggal 22 Juli 2018 pukul 16.00 WIB.
Wawancara dengan Rabaah pada tanggal 22 Juli 2018 pukul 15.00 Wib.
Wawancara dengan Saribah selaku masyarakat asli Dusun Kaliampuk yang pernah menggunakan jasa bidan kampung, tanggal 15 September 2018 pukul 07.00 WIB di rumah Saribah.
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