RRI Sambas is well-known among the public as a radio that presents various entertainment programs. This condition is inseparable from RRI's communication strategy to attract and maintain the consistency of its listeners packaged in management and communication methods. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe RRI Sambas management and RRI Sambas communication methods in increasing listener participation in Sambas Regency. The research method used in this study is qualitative research with a sociological approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. Furthermore, the technique of checking the validity of the data uses triangulation and member check techniques. The results of the study show that RRI Sambas' communication strategy uses management and methods. Management using the POAC theory, namely: planning is carried out by RRI Sambas; it must be decided what, when, and who will do it; organising consists of 7 employees with an organisational structure of 1 person as coordinator and 6 people as announcers; executing is carried out by implementing planned programs; and controlling is carried out to ensure the success of the organisation and maintain a balance between tasks and goals. The methods used by RRI Sambas announcers are with language style, delivery of information messages, and promotion. The language style used by RRI Sambas announcers is adjusted to the program. The message delivery is done by the announcer by delivering information that is in accordance with the program. Promotion is done by RRI Sambas announcers using social media.
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