Studi Analisis Tafsir Al-Khazin
The purpose of this study is to find out the concept of waste in the Qur'an and its interpretation in the book Tafsir al-Khazin. The research conducted by the author is a library research model with a qualitative method. Primary data sources consist of the journal Concept of Waste in the Qur'an and the book Tafsir al-Khazin. While secondary data sources consist of books, scriptures, journals, and articles that support the discussion of waste, such as the books Lisanul Arab, Maqayis al-Lughah, al-Mufradat fi Gharibil al-Qur'an, al-Mu'jam al-Mufahras li alfaz al-Qur'an al-Karim, and so on. In addition, for data collection techniques, this study collects data based on the selection of literature (readings) from the type of library data. As for the data analysis technique, the author uses the Maudu'i approach method. The results of the study indicate that the concept of waste can be understood from two sides, namely in general and specifically. In general, the concept of wastefulness includes the act of the perpetrator of wastefulness or squandering, which is done in physical form (in the form of property, objects, food, or water) and non-physical (in the form of time). While specifically, the concept of wastefulness is interpreted according to the Qur'an, namely the act of the perpetrator of wastefulness or spending on property, which is used for sinful acts and things that are not useful. Based on the interpretation of Alauddin 'Ali al-Khazin, wastefulness means a despicable act committed by the perpetrator by spending or donating property and money on the path of falsehood, which includes sin. The perpetrator of wastefulness is also considered a brother of Satan because he is not grateful and denies Allah's blessings in spending or donating his property.
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