The arrival of the Dutch colonialists in Sambas made the Sambas people unable to move freely. This was due to the Dutch colonial policy which controlled in all fields, such as politics, economics and education. Seeing the worsening situation made the Sambas people aware in the sense of wanting to rebel against the Dutch Colonial. In 1949 a secret revolt was chaired by Ali Anyang. The people of Kampung Sejangkung participated in the rebellion. Not only the Sejangkung people who were involved in the rebellion, but also the people of Tekarang, Gresik, Kartiasa, Pemangkat, and other Sambas areas. The arrival of the Dutch Colonialism not only had a negative impact but also had a positive impact, such as in the field of education. This is because the Dutch colonial presence with all modernity, especially in the field of education, encouraged the emergence of other modern educations. The awareness of the importance of education has prompted community leaders in Sejangkung Village to establish a school (Arabic School). The purpose of establishing an Arabic school is to instill Islamic values, such as the Koran, procedures for ablution, prayer procedures, and so on.
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