This research was conducted to explain that the Japen Lambut dance is one of the arts that can be used as a da'wah medium, especially the Japen Lambut dance which is found in the Bina Karya Sanggar Bina Karya, Sekura Village. The objectives of this study are: 1) To describe the lyrics of the Japen Lambut dance as a media of preaching, 2) To describe the meaning movement of the Japen Lambut dance which is used as a da'wah medium, 3) To describe the implications of the poetry and dance movements of the Japen Lambut as a medium of preaching. This research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The data sources used consisted of primary and secondary data. The results of this study are: 1) The poetry of the Japen Lambut dance as a medium of preaching is to convey it using verbal, namely singing. There are messages of kindness such as messages of faith, which are about faith and messages of morality, namely saying thanks and saying sorry which can be seen in these verses. 2) The Japen Lambut dance movement as a da'wah medium, namely the tahtim movement. In this movement there is a message about morals, namely behaving politely to others, always being patient, having to be careful and thinking, spreading kindness to others and holding fast to the name of Allah to improve oneself. 3) The implications of the lyrics and movements of the Japen Lambut dance as a means of preaching have had a positive impact on some of the younger generation in Sekura Village. This positive impact is that it is still developing local culture with Islamic nuances so that it does not disappear due to the development of modern times today. In addition, with the Japen Lambut dance, it increases feelings of happiness, eliminates anxiety and makes the heart feel at ease, adds to the experience of Malay music and makes friends with friendship.
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