• Hanafi Sulaiman Institut Agama Islam Sultan Muhammad Syafiuddin Sambas
Keywords: Values, Islamic Education, Book Finally I Found True Happiness


The book Finally I Found True Happiness is a book written by by Aidh Al-Qarni. In this book there are many things related to Islamic Education which have a very positive impact on building faith, morals and motivation for everyday life. This type of research is library research. Documentation technique is used in collecting the data. Content analysis is applied in analyzing the data that has been collected. As well as deductive thinking patterns used in this research. The research data source is the book Finally I Found True Happiness and is supported by other sources such as books related to the thesis. The purpose of this research is to find out what Islamic education values are in the book Finally I Found True Happiness. The results of the study can show that the Islamic education values in the book Finally I Found True Happiness by Aidh Al-Qarni are full of Islamic education values which include: 1) Akidah aspect: Faith in Allah, Faith in the Book, Faith in the Messenger, and Faith in Qadha and Qadar 2) Sharia aspects: patience, gratitude, piety, prayer, tawakal, dhikr, istiqamah, and simplicity. 3) Moral aspects: morals towards Allah, morals towards parents, morals towards oneself, and morals towards others. Meanwhile, the relevance of these Islamic education values to today's globalized education is the lack of levels of faith, piety, repentance and good prejudice. At least with the discussion of Islamic education values in the book Finally I Found True Happiness by Aidh Al-Qarni, it can be used as a benchmark and actualized in the world of Islamic education in a concrete manner in real daily life


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How to Cite
Sulaiman, H. (2024). VALUES OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN BOOKS FINALLY I FOUND TRUE HAPPINESS KARYA DR. EDHI AL-QARNI. Archipelago Journal of Southeast Asia Islamic Studies, 2(2), 123-135.